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Handling and Internal Transport of Stores Materials Within Vsp Site, From Truck/trailer/any Other Transport Vehicle Including Carrying, and Stacking in Countable Position in An Orderly Way at Stores, Godown / Shop Floor , Manually., 70, 116.000 to 291.47 20, 436, 710.52, 2 530000004 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses Unloading, From Truck/trailer/any Other Transport Vehicle Including Carrying, and Stacking in Countable Position in An Orderly Way at Stores, Godown / Shop Floor, Using Crane., 76, 000.000 to 124.63 9, 471, 880.00, 3 530000005 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses Loading in, Trucks/trailers/any Other Transport Vehicles After Taking Materials, From the Stacks, Manually., 32, 704.000 to 111.83 3, 657, 288.32, 4 530000006 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses Loading in, Trucks/trailers/any Other Transport Vehicles After Taking Materials, From the Stacks Using Crane., 30, 690.000 to 79.86 2, 450, 903.40, 5 530000007 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses Collection, of Sweepings From Wagons/trailers/ Godowns and Refilling the, Cement, Mortar and Refractory Masses Into Sound Gunny Bags, Including Stitching, weighing and Stacking, Manually., 20.000 to 88.78 1, 775.60, 6 530000008 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses Collection, of Sweepings From Wagons/trailers/ Godowns and Refilling the, Cement, Mortar and Refractory Masses Into Sound Gunny Bags, Including Stitching, weighing and Stacking, Using Crane., 20.000 to 62.33 1, 246.60, 7 530000009 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses, De-stacking, Shifting and Restacking of Bags in the Same Godown, , Manually., 20.000 to 145.17 2, 903.40, 8 530000010 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses, De-stacking, Shifting and Restacking of Bags in the Same Godown, Using Crane, 20.000 to 37.42 748.40, 9 530000013 Handling of Machinery/equipment/consignment Cases, Cable, Drums, Spare Parts, Oil Drums, Loaded and Empty Containers Etc., , Including Odc Cargo - Unloading From Truck/trailer/any Transport, Vehicle, Manually., 7, 134.000 to 205.14 1, 463, 468.76, 10 530000014 Handling of Machinery/equipment/consignment Cases, Cable, Drums, Spare Parts, Oil Drums, Loaded and Empty Containers Etc., , Including Odc Cargo - Unloading From Truck/trailer/any Transport, Vehicle, Using Crane., 400.000 to 124.63 49, 852.00, 11 530000020 Handling of Machinery/equipment/consignment Cases, Cable, Drums, Spare Parts, Oil Drums, Loaded and Empty Containers Etc., , Including Odc Cargo - Transportation From Unloading Point to the, 20.000 to 62.33 1, 246.60, Pr No 73009989 Vsp/wc/mm(stores)/ot/split Contract/2600009085 Signature of the Tenderer Page 11 of 85,
52.16 Cr
521.65 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 79076116
Andhra Pradesh
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