Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Shipping RFQ of Development of Multipurpose Cargo (other than Container/Liquid) Berth off Tuna Tekra outside Creek at on BOT basis. INR 1552.57 Cr INR 15.52 Bn
43 Days to go
DID : 80522898 India | Gujarat
2. Sector:Industrial Development Agencies Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC), Design, Erection, Testing, Commissioning of 60 MLD offshore and onshore Effluent disposal pipeline from Bulk Drug Park pumping station to Deep Sea Disposal Point at covering all the Civil structure and allied works including 5 year Operation & Maintenance. INR 791.53 Cr INR 7.91 Bn
16 Days to go
DID : 80103766 India | Gujarat
3. Sector:Power Plant Package I Construction of Civil Works on Item Rate for Tato I Hydro Electric Project, Arunachal Pradesh, comprising of Headworks and allied works, Head Race Channel, Head race Pipe, Intake, Headrace tunnel, Surge shaft, Pressure shaft, Valve house, P 549.84 Cr 5.49 Bn
5 Days to go
DID : 77552905 India | Arunachal Pradesh
4. Sector:Power Plant Request for proposal (rfp) for deployment of fault rectification team (frt) for jaipur discom, jvvnl rajasthan. INR 476.48 Cr INR 4.76 Bn
20 Days to go
DID : 80530929 India | Rajasthan
5. Sector:Municipal Corporations World Bank and Adb Financed Amaravati Capital City Development Program Related to Construction of Roads, Drains, Water Supply, Sewerage, Utility Ducts for Power and Ict, Reuse Waterline and Avenue Plantation, Compatible with Trunk Infrastructure in Layouts for Land Pooling Schemes for Ananthavaram, Nelapadu, Sakhamuru and Thulluru (parts) in Zone 2b Area in Amaravati Capital City, Andhra Pradesh on Lump Sum Contract... INR 414.98 Cr INR 4.14 Bn
5 Days to go
DID : 80526598 India | Andhra Pradesh
6. Sector:Municipal Corporations World Bank and Adb Financed Amaravati Capital City Development Program Related to Construction of Roads, Drains, Water Supply, Sewerage, Utility Ducts for Power and Ict, Reuse Waterline and Avenue Plantation, Compatible with Trunk Infrastructure in Layouts for Land Pooling Schemes for Ananthavaram, Nekkalu and Thulluru (parts) in Zone 2a Area in Amaravati Capital City, Andhra Pradesh on Lump Sum Contract (percentage Tender)... INR 401.79 Cr INR 4.01 Bn
5 Days to go
DID : 80526597 India | Andhra Pradesh
7. Sector:Telecommunication Services / Equipments Election of Systems Integrator for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Operations of Ict Lab in 3213 Govt. Schools. INR 359.87 Cr INR 3.59 Bn
9 Days to go
DID : 80564341 India | Rajasthan
8. Sector:Water Storage and Supply Raising Strengthening, protection, and Black topping in between Km 80.00 to Km 152.00 of Saran embankment & allied Chharki. 1- Raising strengthing, protection, and Black topping in between Km 120.280 to Km 152.00 of Saran embankment. 2- Strengthening, Protection Work and blacktopping of all Chharki in B/W km 80.00 to 152.00 of Saran Embankment INR 340.52 Cr INR 3.40 Bn
Closing today
DID : 80530628 India | Bihar |
9. Sector:Shipping Supply of 10 rakes of BLSS wagons on operating lease to CONCOR for a period of 10 years 268.33 Cr 2.68 Bn
19 Days to go
DID : 79211061 India | Delhi
10. Sector:Non Classified carrying out work to implement the project "organization of video broadcasts for the unified state exam and the unified state exam" in the oryol region. RUB 228.75 Cr RUB 2.28 Bn
2 Days to go
DID : 80542001 Russia | Not Classified |
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