Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 74130450
Requirement : Provision of Transportation Services
Tender description : Request for Quotation : Provision of Transportation Services for Attendees to the 10th School Feeding Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean In September 2021, the United Nations Food Systems Summit was held to raise awareness and establish global commitments and actions to transform food systems, to eradicate hunger, reduce foodborne diseases and protect the planet. In preparation. Food Systems Dialogues were held that contributed to the exchange of proposals between multiple stakeholders. Under the direction of the National Convener, the current Under sec retary of Prevention and Health Promotion. Dr. Ruy Lopez Ridaura. 10 National Dialogues and one Subnational Dialogue were held, where 1.132 people participated, representing more than 90 institutions and organizations, among them UNICEF. Derived from these Dialogues, the need to consider the design and implementation of regulatory policies to modify the food environment and improve the coordination of the various sectors that are involved in both the agri-food chains and the sale and consumption of food was identified. Likewise, it is worth noting that school feeding in schools has been one of the first social welfare programs in the world. Today. School Feeding is the largest and largest social protection mechanism at a global level. There is an opportunity to leverage the school meals platform to create more sustainable and climate-smart food systems, capable of delivering better nutrition and more varied diets. At the Food Systems Summit, a Coalition for School Food was launched to provide children with healthy and nutritious school food by 2030. Mexico joined this coalition in 2023, with political, promotional and advisory commitments, technique. ArtivAtp Winnnw; Deadline On: 31-jul-2024 00:00 (gmt -6.00)
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Closing date : 31/07/2024
Location : Mexico - Not Classified

Tender Documents
