Tender description :
Request for proposals are invited for Provision of Housekeeping (Cleaning), Pest Control and Hospitality Services for MARAFEQ Qatar Managed Areas (Call-Off).
Tender Bond QR 10,000
Tender Fees Non-Refundable QR 250
Tender Fees Payment Guidelines:
Prescribed Tender Fees must be paid into the below Bank Account only. Kindly mention the Tender No. (above)
Title: MARAFEQ Qatar LLC
Bank: Masraf Al-Rayyan (Grand Hamad Branch)
Account: 0003-127914-001
IBAN: QA68 MAFR 0000 0000 0003 127914 001
Tender Timelines: Collection From Sunday, July 28, 24 and Submission By Thursday, Aug 22, 24