Requirement :
Contracting for the execution of the work improvement of departmental route pi 127, districts of catacaos, la arena, la union and vice, provinces of piura and sechura, department piura-cui nª2378135. - contracting for the execution of the work. improvement of departmental route pi 127, districts of catacaos, la arena, la union and vice, provinces of piura and sechura, department piura cui nª2378135
Tender description :
Public tender: Contracting for the execution of the work: improvement of departmental route pi 127, districts of catacaos, la arena, la union and vice, provinces of piura and sechura, department piura-cui nª2378135. - contracting for the execution of the work. improvement of departmental route pi 127, districts of catacaos, la arena, la union and vice, provinces of piura and sechura, department piura cui nª2378135
Contracting for the execution of the work: improvement of departmental route pi 127, districts of catacaos, la arena, la union and vice, provinces of piura and sechura, department piura-cui nª2378135. - contracting for the execution of the work. improvement of departmental route pi 127, districts of catacaos, la arena, la union and vice, provinces of piura and sechura, department piura cui nª2378135
Type of contract: Work