Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 78527504
Requirement : Pressure Monitoring Kit
Tender description : Tenders Are Invited for Pressure Monitoring Kit 1 14103101 Pressure Monitoring Kit - Single Dome (Arterial), Hp Intellivue Monitors compatible, comprising; Giving Set, High Pressure Monitoring Lines, Transducer Dome, Flushing Device, Three way Stopcock & Pressure tubes. Giving Set - Suitable for pressure monitoring, Flush device - Flush rate > 1ml/s and continuous flush rate 3ml/hr at 300mmHg, Disposable Transducer with; Accurate pressure transmission, Adapts to interface cable with plug connection, Chip technology for accurate registration of values, Pre calibrated sensor with constant electrical parameters ( Sensitivity, linearity, Zero stability), Straight fluid channel for air bubble free filing with Three way stopcock (Red) arterial, Pressure tube 200cm, Internal diameter 1.5 x2.7mm, Pressure Tube 10cm, Internal diameter 1.5cm x 2.7mm. Red (Arterial), lined, with colour coded (red) closed loop blood sampling kit with needleless sampling ports (red- colour coded) sterile. Two Accessory Sets should be provided free of charge for each 50 Monitoring Kits. Each Accessory Set comprising; One quadruple attachment plate, Attachment plate holder, and One connecting cable, 3 meter length, reusable. 1,200 Nos 600-Aug/2025 600-Dec/2025 29,700.00 2 14103102 Pressure Monitoring Kit - Single Dome (Venous), Hp Intellivue Monitors compatible, comprising; Giving Set, High Pressure Monitoring Lines, Transducer Dome, Flushing Device, Three way Stopcock & Pressure tubes. Giving Set - Suitable for pressure monitoring, Flush device - Flush rate > 1ml/s and continuous flush rate 3ml/hr at 300mmHg, Disposable Transducer with; Accurate pressure transmission, Adapts to interface cable with plug connection, Chip technology for accurate registration of values, Pre calibrated sensor with constant electrical parameters ( Sensitivity, linearity, Zero stability), Straight fluid channel for air bubble free filing with Three way stopcock (Blue) venous, Pressure tube 200cm, Internal diameter 1.5 x2.7mm, Pressure Tube 10cm, Internal diameter1.5cm x 2.7mm. Blue (Venous), lined, with colour coded (Bllue) closed loop blood sampling kit with needleless sampling ports ( blue - colour coded) sterile. 350 Nos 200-Aug/2025 150-Dec/2025 Two Accessory Set should be provided free of charge for each 50 Monitoring Kits. Each Accessory Set comprising; One quadruple attachment plate, Attachment plate holder, and One connecting cable, 3 meter length, reusable.
Company Industry: Drugs and Pharmaceuticals

Key values

Closing date : 27/05/2025
Location : Sri Lanka - Not Classified

Tender Documents
