Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers |
DID : 78948281
Requirement : Conducting a legal examination of civil law contract templates
Tender description : Tender: Conducting a legal examination of civil law contract templates The USAID-funded project “Ukuk Bulagy” announces a competition among interested parties for the provision of services for conducting a legal examination of civil law contract templates Interested persons and organizations must submit a package of documents marked “Application for the provision of services for legal expertise of civil law contract templates” by e-mail: procurement_kg@ewmi-kg.org no later than December 23, 2024. Questions regarding the competition must be submitted in writing to procurement_kg@ewmi-kg.org with the subject line “Questions regarding the competition for the provision of services for conducting legal expertise of civil law contract templates” no later than 18:00, November 16, 2024. Summary answers to all questions will be sent by e-mail to all interested participants of the competition without disclosing the source of the question no later than 18:00, December 20, 2024.
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Closing date : 23/12/2024
Location : Kyrgyzstan - Not Classified

Tender Documents
