Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 79594448
Requirement : Reconstruction of Kambia – Tomparie – Kamakwie Road Project under TDCP - 6 Components
Tender description : General Procurement Notice : Reconstruction of Kambia – Tomparie – Kamakwie Road Project under TDCP - 6 Components The project will include the following components: Component 1: Civil Works Sub-component 1.1: General Civil Works: The civil works will involve reconstructing approximately 105 km of earth road from Kambia to Kamakwie into a soil-stabilized, all-weather paved road, including bridges, culverts, drainage, safety equipment, and public lighting. This will cover site preparations, earthworks, drainage, bridge construction, signaling, and strategic lighting along the route. The civil works will be procured through Limited International Bidding (LIB) Sub-component 1.2: Civil Works (TPP): The civil works under the Technology Provider Partner (TPP), Probase, will utilize an innovative soil stabilization technique for constructing the base and pavement layers of the 105 km road, in partnership with local contractors. Probase technology, proven in pilot projects in Senegal and Uganda, offers environmental, cost, and efficiency benefits, and will be implemented according to TPP standards, with the road designed to a width of 7.3m and a design speed of 80 km/h. The civil works will be procured through Limited International Bidding (LIB) Sub-Component 1.3: Ancillary Works: The project will stimulate economic growth by improving market access and supporting agricultural development, with a focus on enhancing social infrastructure. These are: (i) 3 Educational Classrooms, (ii) 3 Community Health Centers, (iii) 2 Road Rest Area /Market Centers, (iv) 3 Agricultural Storage Centers, (v) 6 Borehole Wells, and (vi) 10 km Feeder Roads. The ancillary works will be procured through National Competitive Bidding (NCB). Sub-Component 1.4: Road Safety: This component is designed to address Sierra Leone’s Road construction challenges, with a focus on road safety. A consultant will coordinate road safety practices, while a firm will collaborate with SLRA to conduct an awareness campaign using radio programs, jingles, and social media to promote safer road use. The road safety consultancy firm will be procured through Least-Cost Selection with Shortlist of firms from domestic/local firms (LCS-LC). Component 2: Consultancy Services (Design) / Technical Support The project will have a design consultant responsible for developing and updating engineering designs, preparing bidding documents, supporting SLRA staff, and assisting with project management and reporting. The consultant will also provide technical support during technology transfer and roadshow activities. The consultancy services will be procured through Quality and Cost Based Selection with shortlist of firms from IsDB member countries (QCBS-MC) Component 3: Capacity Building Sub-Component 3.1: Capacity Building to SLRA: A capacity-building and technology transfer initiative is proposed to integrate soil stabilization road construction in the reconstruction of the Kambia – Tomparie - Kamakwie road, enhancing SLRA's capabilities with equipment, ICT tools, and training for sustainable road asset management and research in soil stabilization. The goods will be procured through National Shopping (NS). Sub-component 3.2: Gender Mainstreaming and Inclusivity: The NGO will oversee the implementation of the Gender Action Plan (GAP) in line with Sierra Leone's Women's Empowerment Act and Gender Equality laws, addressing gender disparities and promoting women's access to project benefits and employment. This will include training on gender-based violence prevention, supporting women's economic opportunities, advocating for best practices, and facilitating women's entrepreneurship, with quarterly reporting and ongoing support. The NGO will be procured through Consultant Qualifications Selection (CQS). Component 4: Support to Project Management Unit (PMU) The proposed PMU will be comprised of (i) a project coordinator/Head of the PMU; (ii) a Procurement Specialist; (iii) a Senior Accountant/PFM Specialist; (iv) a Project Manager, (v) 3 Project Engineers; (vi) 3 Assistant Engineers; (vii) Environment & Safeguard Specialist and (viii) Administrative Officer. The Project Management Unit (PMU) will be procured through the Individual Consultant Selection with local shortlisting (IC/LC). Component 6: Financial Audit Annual financial audits will be conducted in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing, with an independent auditor selected from a recognized list. The auditor will also certify expenses during Special Account replenishments, following IsDB procurement procedures and audit terms of reference.
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Closing date : 02/01/2026
Location : Sierra Leone - Not Classified

Tender Documents
