Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 79882600
Requirement : Kyzylorda Bypass Road Construction Project - GPN
Tender description : General Procurement Notice : Kyzylorda Bypass Road Construction Project - GPN The project will consist of the following components: ?) The road construction includes a section of 25.9 km, of which 14.6 km of new four-lane road construction, reconstruction (widening) of 11.3 km of two-lane road. As part of this component, excavation, drainage, construction of facilities, installation of road foundations, paving, repair of engineering structures, modernization of road safety infrastructure, as well as other related work will be carried out. This component will be procured through an Open International Competitive Bidding (ICB) using the Design and Build - Single-stage RFP, after Prequalification, two-envelope. A margin of preference will be provided to local (domestic) Contractors as per the IsDB Procurement Guidelines. b) The supervision consultant includes consulting services on supervision of the execution of contracts for construction work within the framework of the project. The consultant will ensure compliance with high construction standards, compliance with established road safety standards, as well as the implementation of an environmental and social management plan by the contractor. This component will be procured using the Quality and Cost Based Selection Method (80% for technical score and 20% for financial score) through shortlisting of firms from IsDB’s member countries. c) The project management support will cover all expenses necessary for the operation of the Project Management Unit (PMU), including staff salaries and consulting services (technical procurement consultant), logistical support and office equipment. PMU's professional staff and technical procurement consultant will be hired through the Individual Consultant Selection (IC) method. d) The financial audit is a prerequisite for the IsDB to provide a loan, this component will finance audit services that will be conducted to ensure that the allocated funds are used in accordance with the objectives of the project. This component to be procured through the Least-Cost Selection (LCS) method among the domestic short-listed consultancy firms.
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Closing date : 07/01/2026
Location : Kazakhstan - Not Classified

Tender Documents
