Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 80370610
Requirement : Bridge No. 230-014 over Kosový stream
Tender description : Tenders Are Invited for Bridge No. 230-014 Over Kosový Stream the Subject of the Work is the Preparation of Project Documentation Dps, Pdps, Dsps for the Construction of "bridge No. 230-014 Over Kosový Potok", on Road Ii/230 in the Cadastral Area Trebel, Including the Preparation of Project Documentation for the Construction Permit and Securing a Final Decision on the Permit for the Plan, Construction of a Provisional Road Including a Provisional Bridge, Removal of the Existing Bridge, Construction of a New Bridge, Securing the 1st Main Inspection, Calculation of the Bridges Load Capacity According to Csn 73 6222, Bridge Certificate and Inspection Approval. carried Out Using the "design & Build" Procedure. Type of Procedure: simplified Sub-threshold Procedure public Procurement Regime: sub-threshold estimated Value: czk 40,000,000 Excluding Vat Submit the Offer By: 30/04/2025 10:00
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Tender Estimated cost : CZK 40,000,000
Closing date : 30/04/2025
Location : Czech Republic - Not Classified

Tender Documents
