Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers |
DID : 80996865
Requirement : Works Contractor for the Restoration and Interpretation of Westport House and Estate
Tender description : Tenders Are Invited for Works Contractor for the Restoration and Interpretation of Westport House and Estate The Project For The Restoration And Interpretation Of Westport House And Estate Proposes To Create A World Class Visitor Attraction, Combing Cultural, Heritage And Family Activities In A Sensitive And Complementary Way. The Key Elements Of The Proposed Project Include The Following: 1. Coach House Visitor Centre, Which Will Include Restoration, Conservation And Refurbishment Of The Existing Coach House And A New Extension. 2. Restoration, Conservation And Refurbishment Works To Westport House And Surrounding Gardens. 3. The Development Of Three Wild Realms, Which Will Provide A Unique Irish Landscape Experience. Included Within The Three Realms Are Landscaping, Elements Of Restoration Work To Existing Buildings, A New Treetop Walkway And Ancillary Infrastructure.
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Tender Estimated cost : EUR 40,000,000
Closing date : 14/03/2025
Location : Ireland - Not Classified

Tender Documents
