Requirement :
Supply of PA cabinet speaker 1000 W above, Sub Woofer 1000 W above, PA cabinet speaker 500 W above, Two zone PA Mixer Amplifier 350 W plus 350 W above, Portable speaker with Bluetooth USB 2 number wireless mic, Set of 2 number Cordless microphone, Dual PA wireless microphone, PA wireless microphone - Set of Two Microphone - one mic shall be handheld second mic shall be collar mic, PA VHF Wireless Podium Microphone - One Set contains 04 nos of Microphone alongwith one number receiver, PA VHF Wireless desktop microphone - One Set contains 01 nos of Microphone alongwith one number receiver, Portable PA Amplier system, Small Speaker St, Big Tripod speaker St, Big Microphone st with heavy base, PA microphone st, 10 KVA Stablizer 100 to 280 V single phase, Dual Channel Power Amplifier - 1600 plus 1600 Watt above, Electronic Lectern, Sound Mixer, Speaker Cable, Microphone cable, Installation, Commissioning Training Qty220