Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81134939
Requirement : ct2329/2024 design and build tender for new acute mental health wards and extension of emergency department at mater dei hospital, using environmentally friendly construction materials and products
Tender description : Tenders are invited for ct2329/2024 design and build tender for new acute mental health wards and extension of emergency department at mater dei hospital, using environmentally friendly construction materials and products ct2329/2024 - design and build tender for new acute mental health wards and extension of emergency department at mater dei hospital, using environmentally friendly construction materials and products Estimated value excluding VAT:80 173 605,00EUR
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Tender Estimated cost : EUR 8,017,360,500
Closing date : 04/04/2025
Location : Malta - Not Classified

Tender Documents
