Tender description :
Mount Royal and Bogan River Mines - Detailed Site Investigation and Remediation Options Assessment - Rft-2004188 Consultant Engagement to Undertake and Prepare a Detailed Site Investigation and Remediation Options Report for the Mount Royal and Bogan River Legacy Mines
The Services under this Agreement include:
Undertake a desktop review of background documentation.
Identify data and knowledge gaps within an initial Conceptual Site Model (CSM).
Based on the initial CSM and identified data gaps, prepare a Sampling, Analysis and Quality Plan (SAQP) for the proposed sampling investigation. The sampling investigation shall present a strategy to delineate the extent and characterise the nature of mining related environmental impact. The SAQP shall be approved by the Principal prior to its execution.
Development of a final CSM to provide a thorough understanding of potential human health environmental impact.
Prepare a draft Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) report.
Prepare a final DSI report following receipt of two rounds of consolidated draft DSI review comments from the Principal.
Prepare a draft Remediation Options Assessment (ROA).
Prepare a final ROA report following receipt of a consolidated set of draft ROA review comments from the Principal