Requirement :
Supply of Angle Holder, Batten Holder, Bed Switch, Bulk Head fitting Model No LHKL01160099 of Havells with CFL 08 watt, Cable PVC aluminium twin core circular type 10 Sqmm 2 core, Casing caping double locked box type 20mm x 1800mm long, Casing caping double locked box type 32mm x 1800mm long, Change Over 100 AMP 4 Pole, Change Over 200 AMP 4 Pole, Change Over Switch 32 Amp 2 Pole, Change Over Switch 63 Amp 4 Pole, Extension Cord 6 Oblique16 AMP, Flexible Wire copper conductor, Gang Box 1 way 1 switches 5 Oblique 6 Amps with ISI mark, Gang Box 2 way 2 switches 5 Amps with ISI mark, Gang Box 4 way 4 switches 5 Oblique 6 Amps, Gang Box 6 way 6 switches 5 Amps with ISI mark, Gang Box 8 way, GI wire for Earthing, Iron Cutter Blade 4 Inch, LED Bulb 7 Oblique 8W, LED bulb 15 Watt, LED Bulb 20W, LED Bulb 28W, LED Bulk Head Fittings 10W, LED Bulk Head Fittings 14W, LED Flood outdoor lights SSK-BLN-100W, LED Invertor rechargable Bulb 10 Watt with ISI mark, LED Invertor rechargable tube light fitting1x20 watt complete with all accessories, LED Tube light fitting 1 x 9W oblique10W 2 feet long complete with all accessories, LED tube light fitting1x20 watt complete with all accessories, MCB 10 AMP, MCB 16 Amp, MCB 32 Amp, MCB 40 Amp, MCB 6 AMP, MCB Distribution box 12 way double door SPN 240 volts copper bus bar, MCB Distribution box 6 way double door SPN 240 volts copper bus bar, MCB Distribution box 8 way double door SPN 240 volts copper bus bar, MCB DP 32 Amp, MCB DP 40 Amp, MCB DP 63 Amp, MCB TPN 63 Amp, Mirror LED Light 11W, MS Screw full threaded 20mm 100pcs, MS Screw full threaded 25mm 100 pcs, Pendent Holder, Piano type Switch 6 Amp, Plastic Body Exhaust Fan 200mm sweep with louvers, Plug top 3 Pin 16 Amp, Plug top 3 Pin 6 Amp, PVC Cable 4 sqmm 2 core copper, PVC Cable 6 sqmm 2 Core copper, PVC casing capnig T 25mm dia, PVC casing capnig L Bend 25mm dia, PVC casing capnig square box 4 Inch x 4 Inch, PVC Ceiling Rose 2 oblique 3 terminal, PVC Copper cable 1 5 Sqmm Black Green Red SC 90 Mtr, PVC copper cable 2 5 Sqmm Black Green Red SC 90 mtr, PVC copper cable 4 Sqmm Green SC 90 Mtr, PVC Swich Bd 8 Inch x 10 Inch, PVC Switch Bd 4 Inch x 4 Inch, PVC Switch Bd 4 Inch x 6 Inch, PVC Tape Insulation 25 mm wide 9 Mtr long, Smoke Alarm, Socket 3 Pin 16 AMP, Socket 3 Pin 6 Amp, Street Light LED 120W, Street Light LED 60W, Sunmica Bd with Wooden bd 4 Inch x 4 Inch, Sunmica Bd with Wooden bd 4 Inch x 6 Inch, Sunmica Bd with Wooden bd 8 Inch x 10 Inch, Switch 15 Oblique 16 Amp, Switch 5 Oblique 6 Amp, Switch Socket combination 5 Pin 16 Amp with Gang Box, Switch Socket combination 5 Pin 6 Amp with Gang Box, XLPE Heavy Duty armoured 10 sqmm 2 core aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated Heavy Duty armoured multi core cable 16 sqmm 2 core, XLPE insulated Heavy Duty armoured multi core cable 6 sqmm 2 core, PVC Cable 10 sqmm 2 core copper, Motor for Bhatti 150mm, Heating rod for hamam