Tender Detail

Corrigendum - 1 Published On : 01/03/2025
Corrigendum Details : Deadline has been changes from Mar 20 2025 12:00PM to Mar 20 2025 12:00AM
Corrigendum Document : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81395820
Requirement : Providing of Ballast TRACK Cleaning Rag picking of TrackA1 Track01 03 05 06 07 Track VIP Siding Track DN main Line Track Up Loop 1 2 Track Medical Van Engine Line Rest of PF track towa, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN Washing Apron TRACK Washing of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Washing of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Washing of Track01 Track02 Track04, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN TRACK Rag picking of Starter To Home Signal Howarh End Delhi End Katrash End; DHN TRACK Rag picking of Starter To Home Signal Howarh End Delhi End Katrash End; DHN TRACK, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN 1st class AC waiting hall Cleaning Swabbing of 1st Class Wating Hall Gents WC LasiesWC AC Waiting Hall Gents WC Ladies WC Ladies Waiting Hall Ladies Waiting HallFeed, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN 1st class AC waiting hall Washing of 1st Class Wating Hall Gents WC LasiesWC AC Waiting Hall Gents WC Ladies WC Ladies Waiting Hall Ladies Waiting HallFeeding Room Ladies, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesSweeping Garbage collection; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesSweeping Garbage collection; DRM office Officers chamber, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesSwabbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesSwabbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesSwabbing, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesScrubbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesScrubbing; DRM office Officers chamber Rooms all officesScrubbing, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Corridor Sweeping Garbage collection; DRM Office Building Corridor Sweeping Garbage collection; DRM Office Building Corridor Sweeping Garbage collection, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building CorridorSwabbing; DRM Office Building CorridorSwabbing; DRM Office Building CorridorSwabbing, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Corridor Scrubbing; DRM Office Building Corridor Scrubbing; DRM Office Building Corridor Scrubbing, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Building Corridor Washing; DRM Office Building Corridor Washing; DRM Office Building Corridor Washing, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM Office Divisional Control TPC Exchange Sweeping Garbage collection; DRM Office Divisional Control TPC Exchange Sweeping Garbage collection; DRM Office Divisional Co, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Divisional Control TPC Exchange Swabbing; DRM office Divisional Control TPC Exchange Swabbing; DRM office Divisional Control TPC Exchange Swabbing, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DRM office Divisional Control TPC
Tender description : Cleaning, Sanitation and Disin...
Company Industry: Railways Transport Services

Key values

EMD : 834,540
Tender Estimated cost : 136,906,453
Closing date : 20/03/2025
Location : India-Jharkhand

Tender Documents
