Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81614553
Requirement : technical assistance to psd support agencies tikuze malawi
Tender description : Tenders are invited for technical assistance to psd support agencies tikuze malawi the required service is to provide a technical assistance to public agencies that support private sector development in malawi, with the aim of improving the business operating environment in the country, for increased investment and job creation. the intervention will work with several government institutions including, the ministry of trade and industry (moti), malawi investment and trade centre (mitc), malawi bureau of standards (mbs), competition and fair trading commission, and malawi agricultural and industrial investment corporation (maiic). Estimated value excluding VAT:7 500 000,00EUR
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Tender Estimated cost : EUR 750,000,000
Closing date : 02/04/2025
Location : Malawi - Not Classified

Tender Documents
