Requirement :
Supply of 3D Printer Basic with material, 3D Printer Advance with material, SMD Rework Stations, Digital Soldering Stations, Soldering Iron, Fume Absorber, Desoldering Pump, Soldering Wire Lead Free, Precision Knife With 5 Interchangeable Blades, Self Adhesive PVC Electrical Insulation, ISO Propyl, Soldering Tip Cleaning Sponge, PCB Holder Clamp, Soldering St, Tweezers Set, Magnifying Lamp, Magnifier with Illumination, Wire Nipper, Wire Stripper, Self Adjusting Wire Stipper, Screwdrive Set, Precision Screwdrive Set, Hammer drill, Wrench set, Air Blower, Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Digital Multimeter, Power Supply, Laser Temp Meter, Vernier Caliper, Desktop PCB CNC with Material, CNC Laser Cutter with material, CNC Router with material, Component Organiser 60 Drawer, Component Organiser 25 Drawer, Component Organiser 18 Drawer, Louvre Panel, Supra Bins, Heat Sinks, Workbench Qty185