Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81656444
Requirement : emergency procedure, relating to the construction of three garbage bins in the city of monatele, in the commune of monatele department of lekie notice of call for tenders
Tender description : Calls for Tenders : EMERGENCY PROCEDURE, RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE GARBAGE BINS IN THE CITY OF MONATELE, IN THE COMMUNE OF MONATELE DEPARTMENT OF LEKIE NOTICE OF CALL FOR TENDERS MO/AC: MAYOR OF MONATELE Type: National Calls for Tenders Region : CENTRE Amount : 10,000,000 FCFA Published on: 28-02-2025 17:24:57 Closing date: 26-03-2025
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Tender Estimated cost : XAF 10,000,000
Closing date : 26/03/2025
Location : Cameroon - Not Classified

Tender Documents
