Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers |
DID : 81691663
Requirement : Website Development Support Specialist
Tender description : Tenders are invited for Website Development Support Specialist The GEF Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support (GBF EAS) Project supports developing, middle income, and small island nations in their commitments to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): early action on the post-2020 global biodiversity Framework (GBF), National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), National Reporting. This project connects biodiversity policymakers, change-makers, and on-the-ground subject matter experts to facilitate the delivery of the CBD’s GBF and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. CBD Parties are currently being mobilized to take early action on the GBF by focusing on four components: national biodiversity planning and alignment, policy frameworks, monitoring and reporting frameworks, and biodiversity finance. These components, among others that may emerge, are aimed at ensuring that CBD Parties have the technical and financial support they require to work towards a robust, fully resourced, NBSAP, including a strong monitoring system, that is fully aligned with the GBF. Financial and technical support is provided through two pathways: first, grants made to Parties to undertake national actions, and second, a global coordination grant that will make it possible to provide technical services to ensure national actions are effective, efficient, inclusive, and of the highest technical standards. The project’s Technical Support Unit (TSU) is being administered in coordination with SCBD and UNEP across 140. The project is additionally responsible for administrating national work for the 69 countries that receive GEF funding, which are primarily located in Latin America and Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and Asia. In the Philippines, together with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, through its Biodiversity Management Bureau, and the UNDP will undertake three out of the four components in support of the Philippine Biodiveristy Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP) updating. These are: Component 1) Rapid review of NBSAP for alignment with the post-2020 GBF; Component 2) Assessment of monitoring systems; and Component 4) Biodiversity Finance activities. C. Objectives and Scope of Work Under the supervision of the Programme Analyst of the Climate Action Programme Team, the Consultant will be responsible for providing GBF EAS Project’s technical support to the development and enhancement of the AGOS website of the DENR which will contribute as a monitoring and tracking platform of the updated PBSAP and other relevant environmental frameworks.
Company Industry: Civil Works

Key values

Closing date : 18/03/2025
Location : Philippines - Not Classified

Tender Documents
