Requirement :
Tender Invited For BME280 Sensor, SHT31 sensor, Resistance Temperature Detector RTD, BMP280 Atmospheric Pressure, A High Performance Camera Sensor for IoT AI Edge Computing, Low Power Image Sensors for Battery-Powered IoT Devices, 7 in 1 Soil Integrated Sensor, LM35 Temperature Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR- 04, Light Dependent Resistor LDR, PIR Motion Sensor, TSOP IR Transmitter Receiver, IR Transmitter Receiver, Microphone Sound Sensor, Joystick Sensor, Accelerometer Gyroscope GY521 MPU 6050, Vibration Sensor, Capacitive Touch Sensor, LDR Sensor Module, Push Button, Water Level Sensor, Tilt Sensor, Contact Temperature sensor module, Water flow sensor, Touch sensor, Finger Print Sensor, Turbidity Sensor, Load Cell weight sensor with HX711 amplifier module, Gas Sensor MQ 2, Gas Sensor MQ 5, Gas Sensor MQ 7, Gas Sensor MQ 8, Gas Sensor MQ 135, RTC DS1307, Flex Sensors with external ADC, Dust Sensor, Rpi Camera 5MP, ECG sensors, ADAS Sensors, Weather Sensors, BMS, EV Motor Controller, I2C OLED Display, RGB LED 9W, LED Traffic Lights Signal Module, 4 Channel Relay, Buzzer module, Solid State Relays 25 A, RPi Touch Display 3 half inch, 12V DC Geared Motor 550RPM, LCD Display 16x2, Solenoid Valve 230V AC, 7 Segment Display, Micro Servo Motor 9g, Stepper Motor 5V with Driver, NVIDIA RTX 5090, ESP32 WiFi BLE Development Board, Raspberry Pi 4B plus, STM32F4 Nucleo Board, FPGA with Zed Board, PIC Development Board, Hexcopter Drone Kit, Li-ion Battery For Drone, Battery Charger, LoRaWAN Module SX1278 with Development Board, Bluetooth Low Energy Module HM 10 BLE4 0, NRF 2 4GHz Module, GSM 2G or GPRS Module, NFC Reader Modules, GPS Module, RF Transmitter Receiver 433 MHz, HC 12 Long Range RF Module, Analog to Digital Converter ADC ADS127L11, Digital to Analog Converter DAC AD5791, Embedded System Design Debugging Equipment, Wireless Communication Testing Equipment, Power Energy Measurement, Cloud Edge Computing Simulation Security Testing, Data Acquisition System, IoT Platform Software, Data Analytics Processing, Cloud Platform, Firewall for IoT, Workstation