Requirement :
Tender Invited For Microscope with oil immersion, Westergren pipette for ESR, Hematocrit tube, Sahli Hemoglobinometer, Hemocytometer, Electrocardiograph, stop watch, centifuge machine with speed control, Colorimeter Photoelectric, PH meter electric, Sphygmomanometer, Stethoscope, Clinical thermometer 50, Knee hammer, Tuning forks, Sterilizer, Refrigerator, Mortuary 04 bodies, Dissection sets, X-ray viewing box, small, medium, Porcelain, Bone brain slicing machine, Hot air oven, Pounding apparatus Ulkhal machine, Putt various types, Moosha Crucibles, Bellow with blowing fan, Spindle machine, S apparatus, Pithar machine, Earth auger, Distillation apparatus extract apparatus, Crucible furnace, Wet grinder, Balance, Gas stove, Hot plate, Charcoal stove, Field magnifier, Microscope, Binocular microscope, binocular microscope with oil immersion lens 20, Dropper, Improved Neubauer chamber, Pasteur pipette, Westergren pipette, Westergren st, Urinometer, Autoclave, Cell counter Hematoanalyzer, BP apparatus Blood Pressure apparatus, Physical balance, Bunsen burner, Tongue depressor, Weighing machine, Fetal phonocardiography, Phototherapy unit, Infant weighing machine, Patient trolley, Operation table with head raising lowering facility, Pulse oximeter, Biolus apparatus, Anesthesia kit, Blunt sharp curette, Dilatator set Hanger Hawkins, MTP suction curette, Scissors of various sizes, Obstetric forceps, Spotlight ceiling fitted bedless, Chittles forceps, Straight scissors Tailor s scissors, Curved scissors of various sizes, Stitch removal scissors, Dissection forceps, Probes assorted sizes, Small artery forceps, Big artery forceps, Sigmoidoscope Rigid Flexible, Multiparameter monitor, Suction machine Electrical Manual, Bone cutter, Periosteal elevator, Nitrous oxide cylinder, Hydraulic operation table, Proctoscope with or without illumination, Pre-filled syringe, Emergency light, Fire extinguisher, Vertical BP instrument, Ophthalmic operation table with head rest, Torch, Examination table, Thermometer, Measuring tape, Instrument for anorectal examination, Chitlen forceps, Surgical blade, Tuning fork, Otoscope, ENT kit, Bull s lamp, Sim s speculum, Cuskos speculum, Scale, Pediatric BP apparatus with cuff, Bone cutter set fine pointed chisel bone dissector, Almeera with glass door