Tender description :
Request for Proposal : Management and recruitment services for 800 specialized instructors in the ICT sector in 28 departments of Colombia
The ILO wishes to hire a company capable of providing management and recruitment services for 800 instructors selected by the ILO and specialized in the ICT sector, to support the implementation of the training programs in conjunction with the SENATEC project media. This training is aimed at 68,000 apprentices enrolled in educational establishments in 28 departments of Colombia, guaranteeing the quality and coverage of the training process, in accordance with the guidelines established by the ILO. The selected implementing partner must carry out the following actions: - Hire highly qualified instructors in the areas of information technology to guarantee the quality of the training provided to the enrolled apprentices. These instructors will be previously selected by the ILO. - Implement the training programs proposed in the curriculum development: induction, development of learning activities, registration of learning outcome events, technical-pedagogical monitoring, registration of academic developments, evaluation of learning outcomes. - Manage and implement the productive stage, selecting the “productive project” alternative to be followed by the apprentice and scheduling follow-up activities. - Once all the learning results have been evaluated in the Sofía plus application, the training center with the ILO will review compliance with all the requirements for certification and manage the respective registration. The certification will be carried out by SENA (National Learning Service) in accordance with the current resolution through the academic administrative management application. - Prepare reports and reports on the progress of the technical-pedagogical execution of the training execution that allows learning about new developments of the apprentices (enrollment form). To do this, the reports generated by the SENA (National Learning Service) will be delivered.