Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81769382
Requirement : construction of a block of two t3 penalty accommodation for teachers in mintom in the commune of mintom, department of dja and lobo, south region.
Tender description : Calls for Tenders : CONSTRUCTION WORK OF A BLOCK OF TWO T3 ON-CALL HOUSING FOR TEACHERS IN MINTOM IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF MINTOM, DEPARTMENT OF DJA AND LOBO, SOUTHERN REGION. MO/AC: MAYOR OF MINTOM Type: National Calls for Tenders Region : SOUTH Amount : 36,900,000 FCFA Published on: 06-03-2025 15:21:12 Closing date: 04-04-2025
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Tender Estimated cost : INR 36,900,000
Closing date : 04/04/2025
Location : Bosnia And Herzegovina - Not Classified

Tender Documents
