Tender description :
Request For Proposals Construction Of Hdpe Pipe Upgrade & Replacement Phase Iiivaitogi & Aoloau
This project will serve and benefit all residents of American Samoa. The 2010 and 2013 US-EPA/ASEPA Sanitary Survey of the ASPA Public Water System identified several significant deficiencies in the system with the high Non-Revenue Water being a major one. The majority of leaks detected on the water mains were found at the ACP joints and HDPE pipes. The total length of HDPE pipes in the Tualauta - Leasina area system is more than 100, 000 LF. This project will upgrade and replace approximately 16, 000 LF of existing 4” leaking PVC and 2” HDPE with 6”Ø PVC-O water lines and replace approximately 10, 000 LF of 1” & ¾” HDPE with 1” PVC pipes. All proposed work will occur within the footprint of existing ASPA facilities or existing road right-of-way.