Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81809054
Requirement : Tender Invited For Mumps Measles Rubella MMR, Hepatitis A vaccine Live attenuated, Diptheria Tetanus Acellular Pertusis vaccine DTaP, Fractional IPV FIPV 2 point 5 ml vial, Human Papilloma virus quadrivalent Types 6 coma 11 coma 16 coma 18 vaccine Recombinant PFS of 0 point 5 ml
Tender description : Mumps Measles Rubella MMR,Hepa...
Company Industry: Security Services

Key values

EMD : 22,120
Tender Estimated cost : 737,195
Closing date : 31/03/2025
Location : India-Telangana

Tender Documents
