Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81833327
Requirement : Energy savings of the building of the secondary school of trade, applied arts and design plzen, nerudova 33
Tender description : Tenders Are Invited for Energy Savings of the Building of the Secondary School of Trade, Applied Arts and Design Plzen, Nerudova 33 The subject is construction and technical measures to reduce the energy performance of the building. The measures are designed to meet the energy requirements set by the 38th call of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, OPŽP 2021-2027. The following energy-saving measures will be implemented in particular: a) Thermal insulation of the school building, which includes thermal insulation of the external walls, thermal insulation of the roof (from the attic side) and renovation of the original window fillings and addition of new internal windows with the required thermal technical properties within the modified partition, including shading elements. b) Installation of LED lighting, replacement of the original lighting. c) Installation of forced ventilation of classrooms with recuperation. d) Installation of a photovoltaic power plant on the western roof of the building towards the courtyard. In addition to energy-saving measures, the implementation also includes modifications improving and modernizing the operating conditions of the school building, in particular the reconstruction of the building's electrical installation and the food service area and the dining room on the 1st floor with catering equipment. estimated Value: 107292547 Czk Without Vat Submit the Offer By: 11/04/2025 10:00
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Tender Estimated cost : CZK 107,292,547
Closing date : 11/04/2025
Location : Czech Republic - Not Classified

Tender Documents
