Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81842545
Requirement : Provision of gym equipment
Tender description : Expressions of interest : Provision of gym equipment The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from interested companies/ bodies for Provision of Gym Equipement. The specifications of the requirement will be provided in the solicitation documents. This REOI does not constitute a solicitation, MINURSO reserves the right to change or cancel the requirements at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process. Thus, submitting a reply to this REOI does not automatically guarantee that your firm will be considered for receipt of the solicition when issued.
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Closing date : 24/03/2025
Location : WESTERN SAHARA - Not Classified

Tender Documents
