Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 81873095
Requirement : Shifting of Rising Main 900 Dia Di (k9), 350 Dia Di (k9), 250 Dia Di (k9) & Hdpe Pipe Line at Improvement of Barjora Junction to Signal Controlled Major Junction with Footpath Arrangement at Bankura-durgapur Road Under Bankura I, Ii & Barjora Block W/s Scheme (brgf Ph 1 Project) Under Bankura Sadar Sub Bankura Division, Phe Dte.
Repairing and Painting of Over Head Reservoir (capacity 350 Cum., Staging Height 20 Mtr.), Chlorination Room, Guard Room, Boundary Wall and Laying Distribution Pipeline for Providing Fhtc, Sinking of 4 (four) Nos. 200 Mm Dia. X 4.50 Mtr. Depth Horizontal River Bed Tube Well (replacement Tubewell), Using Ms "t" and Laying, Fitting & Fixing 100 Mm G.i. Collecting Line From River Bed Tube Well to Cwr with All Allied Works of Augmentation Works for Pathardoba, Zone-b Water Supply Scheme Under Simlapal Water Supply Scheme (brgf Ph-1) Under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme Under Khatra Sub-division of Bankura Division, P.h.e. Dte.
B laying of Hdpe Pipeline, Construction of Valve Chamber, Construction Boundary Wall at Tubewell Site for Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme for Dubrajpur, Zone-a and Its Adjoining Mouzas Under Simlapal Water Supply Scheme (brgf Ph-1) Under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme Under Khatra Sub-division of Bankura Division, P.h.e. Dte.
Construction of High Lift Pump House, 450 Cum Ohr Along with Soil Investigation Work, Boundary Wall and Laying of Rising Main Under Augmentation of Barjora Water Supply Scheme (left Out Mouzas of Barjora Block Under B.r.g.f Phase -1) (zone-iii)
Balanced Ancillary Works for Gopalpur Water Supply Scheme Under Kotulpur Block Under Bishnupur Sub-division of Bankura Division, P.h.e. Dte.
Balance Ancillary Works of Chak Patrasayer Pwss Under Bishnupur Sub Division, Phe Dte.
Laying of Hdpe Pipe Line and Supplying Fitting Fixing of Different Dia. Cidf Sluice Valve and Fitting and Construction of Valve Chamber in Connection with Retrofitting Chingani and Adjoining Mouzas Water Supply Scheme Under Onda Water Supply Scheme (brgf Ph-1) Project Under Bankura Sadar Sub-division of Bankura Division, P.h.e. Dte.
Crossing of Road By Different Dia Ms Pipe By Trench Less Technologies I.e Jack Pushing Method with Ms Carrier Pipe, Construction of Guard Room Including Plinth Protection at Cwr Site, Construction of Guard Room & Toilet with Sanitary & Water Supply Arrangement Including Plinth Protection, Construction of Boundary Wall at Infront of Ohr and Construction of Boundary Wall at East Side & North Side of Pump House & Sinking of 02 Nos 200 Mm Dia Horizontal River. Augmentation of of Sanabundh, Kargahir W/s Scheme Under Bankura Sadar Sub- Division .
Tender description : Niet 07 of Se -i, Pmu, Wbpwsp (p), Phe Dte.
Company Industry: Health Services/Equipments

Key values

EMD : INR 363,565
Tender Estimated cost : INR 18,178,228
Closing date : 07/04/2025
Location : India-West Bengal

Tender Documents
