Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Water Storage and Supply Construction work of Malai barrage Scheme under Udvah Irrigation Scheme. INR 129.69 Cr INR 1.29 Bn
33 Days to go
DID : 81828830 India | Bihar
2. Sector:Power Plant Annual Repair for Maintenance of Ht Lt Switch Gear Ht Lt Motors Ht Lt Cables Lt Bus Duct Distribution Transformers Etc Under Btg Entire Ash Package Plant Water System Including barrage Intake Bop Area of U1 to 6
Qty 1
INR 3.08 Cr INR 30.83 Mn
4 Days to go
DID : 81637271 India | West Bengal
3. Sector:Dam Work General-pvip-overhauling the Bottom Boggie Wheels of All Shutters Except 8 and 9 of Bhoothathan Kettu barrage-general
General-pvip-overhauling the Bottom Boggie Wheels of Shutter No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Bhoothathan Kettu barrage-general Mechanical Work.
INR 12.63 Lac INR 1.26 Mn
286 Days ago
DID : 72215330 India | Kerala
4. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Restoration of Protective Work for Right Flex Bund Upstream of Hidon barrage.
Repair Work of Damaged Pitching of Left Marginal Bund Situated on the Left Bank of River.
INR 8.50 Lac INR 8.50 Lac
1 Day to go
DID : 81692832 India | Delhi
5. Sector:Canal/Irrigation Work Maintenance work including petty works to be executed at site as per the necessity-demand-emergent nature for up-keeping Main Ravi Canal RD 32250-39540M including d-4 A, D-4 and Ujh barrage. INR 2.50 Lac INR 2.50 Lac
286 Days ago
DID : 72295702 India | Jammu-kashmir
6. Sector:Power Plant Upkeep Works of Dakpathar barrage at Dakpathar (dehradun). Refer Document
26 Days to go
DID : 81883286 India | Uttaranchal
7. Sector:Power Plant Strengthening Work for Bridge Along Dakpathar barrage and Its Head Regulator Bridge at Dakpathar. Refer Document
43 Days to go
DID : 81883321 India | Uttaranchal
8. Sector:Canal/Irrigation Work Construction of Brahmani barrage across Brahamani River with its O and M for a period of 20 years on Hybrid Annuity Model near Shripura village tehsil Rawatbhata district Chittorgarh INR 680 Cr INR 6.80 Bn
33 Days to go
DID : 80816813 India | Rajasthan
9. Sector:Canal/Irrigation Work Construction of Mej barrage, including all components with its OandM for a period of 20 years on Hybrid Annuity Model ERCP-4 317.99 Cr 3.17 Bn
33 Days to go
DID : 79488517 India | Rajasthan
10. Sector:Power Plant Construction of barrage intake and its appurtenant works including river diversion of Tiuni Plasu hep 72MW on river tons in Dist Dehradun of Uttarakhand INR 134.06 Cr INR 1.34 Bn
3 Days to go
DID : 80489600 India | Uttaranchal
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