Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified Trucks - swap body carriers for SÚSPK (2025) CZK 2.16 Cr CZK 21.60 Mn
17 Days to go
DID : 81591989 Czech Republic | Not Classified
2. Sector:Coal and Lignite Fixing of Conspicuity Strips Alternate Red and White Colour and Stickers in Hemms at Ashok Workshop I.e Bh60m Dumper (t69, t70, T71, T72, T73), Water Sprinkler Ws28-ii (wt01, Wt02, Wt03, Wt04) and Motor Grader Bg825 (g4, G5) .b(i) Denting, Cleaning and Then Fixing of Conspicuity Roll Or Fluorescent Tapes 2" Wide and 06 Inch in Length Alternate Red and White Colour on All Visible Areas for 05 Nos Cat777d Dumpers (sl. No. Th8,... INR 5.98 Lac INR 5.98 Lac
3 Days to go
DID : 81842714 India | Jharkhand
3. Sector:Coal and Lignite Repairing/denting of Damaged Cabin, Chassis and Back Dala Load Body of Hyva Tipper Reg. No. Jh10ad8841 of Sudamdih Coal Washery. INR 3.45 Lac INR 3.45 Lac
454 Days ago
DID : 67209941 India | Jharkhand
4. Sector:Security Services Supply of Wiring Harness, DC to DC Convertor, Digital Display Motor, Accelator Handle, Accelator Switch, Ignition Switch, Combation Switch, Front Brake Handle, Front Brake Cable, Charging Coupler, Front Axle, Toggle Switch Head Light Switch, Rear Axle, Tyre, Iron Sheet 8 into 4 ft, Floor Mating, Denting Painting, Seat Repair, Outer Hood, Reflecting Marking
1.76 Lac 1.76 Lac
1 Day to go
DID : 81256961 India | Uttar Pradesh
5. Sector:Security Services Providing of Service repair of Veh Maruti Omni BA No 18B 131033Y, a Coolent, b Break Oil, c Differential or Axle Oil, d Oil Filter, e Engine Oil, f Fof light assembly, g Fuel filter, h Air Filter, j Gear Oil, k Replacement of cabin foot mating complete, l repair of radiator, m Repair of alternator, n Repair of stearing system, o Sparking Plug, p Front light assembly, q Tie rod end set complete right left side, r Wiper motor... 79.69 K 79.69 K
13 Days to go
DID : 81691803 India | Uttar Pradesh
6. Sector:Coal and Lignite Repairing / Denting of dynavane cover and bush fitting in worn out Bucket of 10 Cum BE-195B Akash Shovel of Khadia Project. 61.25 K 61.25 K
454 Days ago
DID : 66962105 India | Madhya Pradesh
7. Sector:Security Services Supply of aa Supply fixing of the following parts by opening carefully the old unservicable parts testing on completion, a Clutch Plate, b Fuel injector Pump, c Tie end rod, d Self stator repair, e Fuel Tank cleaning, f Head Lamp asembly, g Termosted Valve, h Seat Cover, j Terpoline, k M L for opening of radiator solding cleaning refixing, l Terpoline, m Complete wasing greasing, n Denting penting of complete tail board... 54.60 K 54.60 K
12 Days to go
DID : 81637897 India | Uttar Pradesh
8. Sector:Security Services Supply of M L for draining out old engine oil from the oil chamber, removing the sediment carbon deposits, cleaning of chamber thoroughly, removal of old engine oil filter, necessary repairs as reqd with replacement, Oil filter element, Fuel filter, Engine oil 20w 40, Coolant, M L for replacement of suspension bushes 06 Nos, M L for replacement of front shock absorber, M L for replacement of damaged left front wheel cylinder,... 50.10 K 50.10 K
3 Days to go
DID : 81274049 India | Punjab
9. Sector:Security Services Supply of complete welding denting work of rear dicky
50 K 50 K
6 Days to go
DID : 81439837 India | Nagaland
10. Sector:Security Services Bid for - Refilling denting painting repairing of fire extinguishers
Qty 1
INR 50 K INR 50 K
12 Days to go
DID : 81633507 India | Uttar Pradesh
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