Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified Reconfigure And Add Extension To The Airport Structure Refer Document
109 Days to go
DID : 74136269 COOK ISLANDS | Not Classified
2. Sector:Non Classified Tender Are Invited For CK242510 ATIU HARBOUR UPGRADE Infrastructure cook islands (ICI) seeks a suitable contractor to undertake the Atiu Harbour Upgrade Project on Atiu, cook islands. Interested contractors are requested to submit a tender to implement the procurement of products outlined within the RFT. Files can be obtained by registering your interest on the cook islands Government Procurement Portal... Refer Document
1 Day to go
DID : 81065615 COOK ISLANDS | Not Classified
3. Sector:Road Transport Services Request for Quotations Building Contractor Services cook islands Meteorological Service Upper-Air Observation Building Refurbishment The Ministry of Transport through the cook islands Meteorological Service (CIMS), invites quotations from suitable building contractors to complete a refurbishment of the Upper-Air Observation Building at the CIMS site in Nikao. The scope of the works includes small-scale demolition,... Refer Document
15 Days to go
DID : 81462207 COOK ISLANDS | Not Classified
4. Sector:Banking and Mutual Funds and Leasings Gender specialist Refer Document
1 Day to go
DID : 81649097 COOK ISLANDS | Not Classified
5. Sector:Banking and Mutual Funds and Leasings Project manager 2 Refer Document
1 Day to go
DID : 81649128 COOK ISLANDS | Not Classified
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