Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Servo controlled warmer, Hybrid warmer cum incubator, CPAP machine, Conventional ventilators, High frequency ventilators, iNO machine, Multipara with IBP EtCo2, Multipara monitor non-invasive, DS Phototherapy machine, syringe Infusion pump, aEEG, Hypothermia machine, Defibrillator, Transcutaneous bilirubinometer, 2 Xray machines with 1 Digital Radiography system, USG Echo machine, Flux meter, Head phone BERA... 4.04 Cr 40.49 Mn
4 Days to go
DID : 81540146 India | Rajasthan
2. Sector:Health Services/Equipments Supply of cardiac monitor with defibrillator (q2)
3 Cr 30 Mn
5 Days to go
DID : 80651401 India | Delhi
3. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of ICU Beds, Infusion Pump, USG With Doppler echo Facility E8, CTG Machine, Multipara Monitor Non Invasive, Multipara Monitor Invasive, Radiant warmer, Defibrillator, Portable X Ray Machine With Digital Facility, Transport ventilator Trolley to shift patient to ICU, High End Ventilator, Blood Warmer, OT Light LED Double Dome, OT Table
2.75 Cr 27.50 Mn
4 Days to go
DID : 81540153 India | Rajasthan
4. Sector:Non Classified System of Monitoring and Defibrillation BYR 93.21 Lac BYR 9.32 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81746395 Belarus | Not Classified
5. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Cardiac Monitor with defibrillator (Q2)
Qty 5
INR 40 Lac INR 4 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 66806169 India | Uttar Pradesh
6. Sector:Education And Research Institute Tender Invited For automatic external defibrillator (aed) (q2)
15 Lac 1.50 Mn
19 Days to go
DID : 81868835 India | Not Classified
7. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of cardiac monitor with defibrillator (q2)
14.99 Lac 1.49 Mn
8 Days to go
DID : 81500491 India | Madhya Pradesh
8. Sector:Non Classified Electrodes for external defibrillation and pacemaker for the UZ Grodno Regional Clinical Cardiological Center BYR 7.20 Lac BYR 7.20 Lac
Closing today
DID : 81722097 Belarus | Not Classified
9. Sector:Air Transport Supply of automatic external defibrillator (aed) (q2)
5.33 Lac 5.33 Lac
Closing today
DID : 81314199 India | Rajasthan
10. Sector:Security Services Supply of Automated Electronic Defibrillator, Sterilisation Box, Mist Pedestal Fan, Steam Iron Press, Water Cooler Motor - Medical Eqiument
Qty 8
Refer Document
545 Days ago
DID : 64134948 India | Bihar
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