Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Railways Transport Services Tender Invited For Custom Bid for Services - Composite cleaning contract including Mechanized Cleaning Rag Picking garbage disposal operation of Solid waste management plant for upkeep of Vadodara Jn Railway Station premises offices includes cleaning small carpentr
Qty 1
INR 23.12 Cr INR 231.23 Mn
17 Days to go
DID : 81791517 India | Gujarat
2. Sector:Non Classified Bone Cement BYR 21.22 Cr BYR 212.29 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81722068 Belarus | Not Classified
3. Sector:Railways Transport Services Providing of Ballast TRACK Cleaning Rag picking of TrackA1 Track01 03 05 06 07 Track VIP Siding Track DN main Line Track Up Loop 1 2 Track Medical Van Engine Line Rest of PF track towa, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping,... 13.69 Cr 136.90 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81395820 India | Jharkhand
4. Sector:Non Classified base in the department of the kadey, region of the st. lot1 baturi, lot2 XAF 9 Cr XAF 90 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81507274 Cameroon | Not Classified
5. Sector:House / Building Providing of Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Lifting, Transportation, Unloading, Segregation of garbage, Ways of disposal, Drainage cleaning; Dry Waste 8 Cr 80 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81677871 India | Bihar
6. Sector:House / Building Tender Invited For Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Lifting, Transportation, Unloading, Segregation of garbage; Dry Waste 4.14 Cr 41.40 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81812600 India | Bihar
7. Sector:House / Building Providing of Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Transportation, Segregation of garbage; Dry Waste 4 Cr 40 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81542219 India | Bihar
8. Sector:Security Services Bid for - Outsourcing of Conservancy Staff Services
Qty 1
INR 3.88 Cr INR 38.84 Mn
Closing today
DID : 81225095 India | Jammu-kashmir
9. Sector:Railways Transport Services Custom Bid for Services - Maintenance of cleanliness at Virudhunagar junction and colony for a period of 1095 days as per schedule I of scope of work enclosed , Custom Bid for Services - Removal and disposal of rubbish from Virudhunagar junction and colony premises to Municipal dumping yard or authorized recyclers by motor vehicle as per schedule II of scope of work enclosed , Custom Bid for Services - Maintenance of... INR 3.69 Cr INR 36.95 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81315407 India | Tamil Nadu
10. Sector:Railways Transport Services Providing of Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport Places; Daily manual cleaning outcome based at Komagata Maru Budge Budge KBGB station for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Railway Station, Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection Lifting Transportation Unloading Segregation of garbage at Komagata Maru Budge Budge KBGB station premises for a period of 03 Years ie 1095... 3.68 Cr 36.88 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81395837 India | West Bengal
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