Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified Supply of Dynamic Rope, Static Rope, Nylon Tubular Tap Sling, Single Pulley, Double Pulley(Tendem), Double Pulley (Geminey), Micro Swivel, Carabineer Locking, carabineer Plain, Ascender/Jumar, Descender, Gri-Gri, ATC Device/ Reverso, Micro Traction, Seat Harness, Helmet, Mittens, Ice Axe, Crampons, Gaiter, Wind Proof Suit, Feather Jacket, Ruck Sack, Sleeping Bag, Climbing Boot, Approach March Boot, Head Light, Search Light,... 2.16 Cr 21.60 Mn
4 Days to go
DID : 81316005 India | Himachal Pradesh
2. Sector:Education And Research Institute Providing of BlackBlueRed as per scope of supply, Pen Uniball BlackBlueRed as per scope of supply, Pilot Pen Hi Tech Point Blue as per scope of supply, Pen St as per scope of supply, Pencil as per scope of supply, Pencil cell AA as per scope of supply, Pencil Cell AAA as per scope of supply, Pencil Cell Duracell as per scope of supply, permanent marker pen black as per scope of supply, Permanent marker pen Green as per scope... 4 Lac 4 Lac
14 Days to go
DID : 81567527 India | Delhi
3. Sector:Security Services Supply of Iron Frame for Target 10 X10 Feet, Laminated File Cover Brown, Bleaching Powder, gum boot, Forcep, Artery Forcep - Boq Items
Qty 122
INR 1 Lac INR 1 Lac
545 Days ago
DID : 64114571 India | Punjab
4. Sector:Health Services/Equipments Haily Mandi Town Annual Mtc. Works for STP/Sewage 1 Sewer related items/ safety equipments gloves pair / at sewerage scheme haily mandi town. ltrs. 4 2 sewer related items/ gum boot gum boot / at sewerage scheme haily mandi town.
3 sewer related items/ safety helmet safety googles / at sewerage scheme haily mandi town.
4 sewer related items/ safety helmet safety helmet isi marked / at sewerage scheme...
INR 15.85 K INR 15.85 K
454 Days ago
DID : 67369168 India | Haryana
5. Sector:Security Services Tender Invited For HT Megger 5000 VA, Die Set 15 mm to 25 mm dia, Safety Belt, Fire Extinguieor 25 Kg, Rain Coate, H tool kit electrician, Ladder 6 Feet, Bamboo ladder 20 Feet, Hydraulic crimping tool 10 to 300 MM2, Tong tester clomp rreloc, Rotary hammering drill machine, Hacksaw Frame, Tradesman tool box made out of 18 SWG, gum boot, Combination cutting plier, HT H Gloves for 11 KV, Multi Meter, Heavy duty dust pan with... 7.00 7.00
19 Days to go
DID : 81868804 India | Karnataka
6. Sector:Security Services Supply of gum boot, Target Paper Fig 11, Target Sheet Fig 11, Bamboo, Gum Pouch - Target paper
Qty 420
Refer Document
545 Days ago
DID : 64115147 India | Assam
7. Sector:Animal and Animal Feeds Supply of Hand Disinfectant, Bio Degradable, Cold Chain Maintenace Ice Pack, Protactive Glasses, gum boot Pvc, Gloves,
Qty 74850
Refer Document
545 Days ago
DID : 64123793 India | Rajasthan
8. Sector:Other Services Supply of Hard Broom, Bamboo Basket, Plastic Bucket, Plastic Mug, Plastic Jug, Plastic Pan, Earthen Pots, Soft Broom, Led Torch with Battery, Jute Rope, Plastic Pipe 1 Inch Rmt, Dustbin Big Size Movabale, Wooden Handel for Axe, Spade, Rope Ladder, Safety Belt, Pvc Chair, Pvc Table, Raincoat, Umbrella, gum boot Pair, Glass Tumbler Per Set, Hand Gloves Per Pair, Pvc Helmate - Purchase of Items Qty 202 Refer Document
454 Days ago
DID : 67133768 India | Maharashtra
9. Sector:Other Services Supply of Hard Broom, Bamboo Basket, Plastic Bucket, Plastic Mug, Plastic Pan, Earthen Pots, Soft Broom, Led Torch with Battery, Jute Rope, Dustbin Big Size Movabale, Garbage Bags, Raincoat, Umbrella, gum boot Pair, Duster Cloth, Hand Gloves Per Pair, Pvc Helmate - Purchase of Items
Qty 162
Refer Document
454 Days ago
DID : 67133770 India | Maharashtra
10. Sector:Other Services Supply of Hard Broom, Bamboo Basket, Plastic Bucket, Plastic Mug, Plastic Pan, Earthen Pots, Soft Broom, Led Torch with Battery, Dustbin Big Size Movabale, Wooden Handel for Axe, Spade, Rope Ladder, Safety Belt, Raincoat, Umbrella, Lock Navtal 7 Levers, gum boot Pair, Plastic Pipe 1 Inch Rmt, Glass Tumbler Per Set, Cup Set with Saucer Plate, Big Towel, Pvc Chair, Pvc Table - Purchase of Items Qty 167 Refer Document
454 Days ago
DID : 67133795 India | Maharashtra
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