Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified Figurative opener of canned fish cans Refer Document
168 Days to go
DID : 75605811 Latvia | Not Classified
2. Sector:Non Classified Purchase of a system for creating, programming and playing interactive virtual scenarios in a digital, virtual and immersive environment Refer Document
93 Days to go
DID : 79097382 Latvia | Not Classified
3. Sector:Non Classified Provision of satellite communications inmarsat service Refer Document
3 Days to go
DID : 79318008 Latvia | Not Classified
4. Sector:Non Classified Augmented reality 3d object creation, digital game development, and digital billboard delivery and installation Refer Document
42 Days to go
DID : 80553332 Latvia | Not Classified
5. Sector:Non Classified Supply Of Ingredients, Miscellaneous Products And Packaging For Armies And Administrations EUR 35.46 Cr EUR 354.66 Mn
2637 Days to go
DID : 58988998 Latvia | Not Classified
6. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Dynamic Purchasing System Pre-tasks DKK 15 Cr DKK 150 Mn
2242 Days to go
DID : 48971045 Latvia | Not Classified
7. Sector:Non Classified Supply of disposable medical equipment for invasive cardiology, arrhythmology and electrophysiology EUR 6.40 Cr EUR 64 Mn
5 Days to go
DID : 80941213 Latvia | Not Classified
8. Sector:Non Classified Disposal of disposable medical equipment for invasive cardiology, arrhythmology and electrophysiology EUR 6.40 Cr EUR 64 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81537098 Latvia | Not Classified
9. Sector:Non Classified Delivery of medication general treatment process EUR 1.90 Cr EUR 19 Mn
32 Days to go
DID : 81856586 Latvia | Not Classified
10. Sector:Non Classified provision of mobile telephony services for the berec office EUR 1.50 Cr EUR 15 Mn
13 Days to go
DID : 81085879 Latvia | Not Classified
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