Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified Procurement plan for the year 2025 (agricultural development pole project in the right bank of the Mangoky River delta) Refer Document
158 Days to go
DID : 81235014 Madagascar | Not Classified
2. Sector:Non Classified recruitment of an international level expert in the implementation of certifications/labels for target agricultural branches in the intervention areas of the pic project Refer Document
37 Days to go
DID : 81513774 Madagascar | Not Classified
3. Sector:Non Classified offices of environmental and social strategic studies studies - nosy be Refer Document
17 Days to go
DID : 81513802 Madagascar | Not Classified
4. Sector:Non Classified recruitment of an expert international level technical assistance to the ministry of agriculture, livestock and fishing (maep) for the development of a pilot system of agricultural information Refer Document
6 Days to go
DID : 81513867 Madagascar | Not Classified
5. Sector:Non Classified with a view to constituting a basis for national and international trainer consultants Refer Document
2 Days to go
DID : 81513914 Madagascar | Not Classified
6. Sector:Non Classified Water-supply Of Cable Glands Urgent Troubleshooting Of Electric Pump Sets Mandroseza I And Ii Refer Document
98 Days to go
DID : 72667820 Madagascar | Not Classified
7. Sector:Non Classified Development Of The National Strategy For The Implementation Of The Afcfta Including Studies On (i) The Costs And Benefits Of madagascar In The Afcfta, (ii) The Identification Of Climate Actions Essent Refer Document
19 Days to go
DID : 74109933 Madagascar | Not Classified
8. Sector:Non Classified Acquisition and installation of solar equipment for the electricity supply of ACUM in 3 sites (Antananarivo, Toamasina, Fenerive Est) and the storage warehouse in the South Refer Document
78 Days to go
DID : 77845276 Madagascar | Not Classified
9. Sector:Non Classified Acquisition and delivery of office furniture for ACUM in 3 sites (Antananarivo, Toamasina, Fenerive Est) and the storage warehouse in the South Refer Document
49 Days to go
DID : 77845276 Madagascar | Not Classified
10. Sector:Non Classified Supply and delivery of tables and benches for 100 classrooms in 4 regions (Vatovavy, Fitovinany, Atsimo Atsinanana, Atsinanana) Refer Document
49 Days to go
DID : 77845276 Madagascar | Not Classified
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