Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Telecommunication Services / Equipments Supply of Special Purpose Telephones (Smart Phone for ICDS) - Poshan Abhiyan (V2) (Q2)
80.30 Cr 803.09 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81158262 India | Uttar Pradesh
2. Sector:Health Services/Equipments Supply of Special Purpose Telephones (Smart Phone for ICDS) - Poshan Abhiyan (V2) (Q2)
23.70 Cr 237.00 Mn
5 Days to go
DID : 81395824 India | Rajasthan
3. Sector:Other Services Supply of Goods, Tools & Equipment for an International Standard IToT in Welder Trade at ITI Bhilad, Gujarat, India Package 2 Welder Trade, Electrode holder, H.P. Welding Torch with 5 Nozzles, Welding Transformer with all accessories (400A, OCV 60-100 V, 60% duty cycle), Welding Transformer with all accessories (300A, OCV 60-100 V, 60% duty cycle), Inverter based welding Power source, D.C Arc welding rectifiers set with all... INR 11.94 Cr INR 119.43 Mn
1 Day to go
DID : 79909047 India | Gujarat
4. Sector:Other Services Supply of Goods, Tools & Equipment for an International Standard IToT in Welder Trade at ITI , Gujarat, India Package 2 Welder Trade Welder Trade, Electrode holder, H.P. Welding Torch with 5 Nozzles, Welding Transformer with all accessories (400A, OCV 60-100 V, 60% duty cycle), Welding Transformer with all accessories (300A, OCV 60-100 V, 60% duty cycle), Inverter based welding Power source, D.C Arc welding rectifiers set... INR 11.94 Cr INR 119.43 Mn
1 Day to go
DID : 79909236 India | Gujarat
5. Sector:Power Plant Supply of Customized AMC/CMC for Pre-owned Products - All in One PCs Laptops Printers Workstations NAS Storage etc; Lenovo Acer Cynix Dell HP KBS Tyrone Fusionstor ICON Exatron Kyocera EPSON etc; Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC); Six-Monthly; Yes 6.23 Cr 62.30 Mn
4 Days to go
DID : 81539634 India | Maharashtra
6. Sector:Diversified Supply of Desktop, Dot Matrix passbook Printer, Laser Printer, Web Cam, Tablet, Thermal Printer, VPN, UPS cum Inverter, Biometric Scanner, PoS Machine, Barcode Scanner - Computerization of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies J K
Qty 5907
INR 6 Cr INR 60 Mn
546 Days ago
DID : 64379151 India | Jammu-kashmir
7. Sector:Security Services Procurement of Echosounder Spares Fuse, Fuse, Fuse, 16 Channel Signal Conditioning, Transmitter Stage, Dsp Processing Unit, Digital Display Unit, Transducer Matrix, O-ring 2575-175.138 23, 0x3, 0, Wire Resister 5.5 Kohm-10w, Wire Resister 1.5 Kohm/50w, Fuse Din 41571-t4.0d 5x20mm, Tranducer Lse 136, Test Set, Dc-dc Convertor Ng 172-01, Control Supply Pcb, Fan, Pc Pcb Cc9 Nsn 7021-12-386-0018, Connection Box Ak 54-86,... INR 5.43 Cr INR 54.33 Mn
Closing today
DID : 80121292 India | Karnataka
8. Sector:Storage and Warehousing Tender Invited For Custom Bid for Services - Deployment of Skilled Manpower for Data entry in CMS handling of WalkieTalkie FSD other associated work in connection with crew booking at BSL Pass Goods KNW NGN MMR IGP BD depots, Custom Bid for Services - Deployment of skilled manpower for data entry work in SLAM at TLC BSL office Trip Shed BSL, Custom Bid for Services - Schedule Maintenance of IT Hardware available in Crew... INR 5.02 Cr INR 50.20 Mn
19 Days to go
DID : 81828820 India | Maharashtra
9. Sector:Health Services/Equipments Tender Invited For smartphone (v2) (q2)
4.27 Cr 42.70 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81788108 India | Not Classified
10. Sector:Non Classified supply and installation of reprography equipment at the autonomous depreciation fund (caa). XAF 3 Cr XAF 30 Mn
33 Days to go
DID : 81768369 Cameroon | Not Classified
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