Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of 3D Printer Basic with material, 3D Printer Advance with material, SMD Rework Stations, Digital Soldering Stations, Soldering Iron, Fume Absorber, Desoldering Pump, Soldering Wire Lead Free, Precision Knife With 5 Interchangeable Blades, Self Adhesive PVC Electrical Insulation, ISO Propyl, Soldering Tip Cleaning Sponge, PCB Holder Clamp, Soldering St, Tweezers Set, Magnifying Lamp, Magnifier with Illumination, Wire... 35 Lac 3.50 Mn
12 Days to go
DID : 81637656 India | Chhattisgarh
2. Sector:Education And Research Institute Tender Invited For digital storage oscilloscope (q3) Qty1 25 Lac 2.50 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81808431 India | Delhi
3. Sector:Education And Research Institute Tender Invited For digital storage oscilloscope (q3) Qty1 25 Lac 2.50 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81827072 India | Not Classified
4. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Half Wave Rectifier Kit, Microprocessor kit 8085, Micro Controller Kit 8051, Expt Board to draw firing characteristics of a SCR, 7 5 kw variable frequency drive, Digital Multimeter, Resonance Circuit Trainer, Hydrometer, standard wire gauge, Silent Generator 5 5 KVA, Digital Earth Resistance metre kit, 16 F 877 PIC Microcontroller kit, Three Phase Alternators for Parallel operation, 1100 VA Solar Inverter, Lead Acid... INR 14.75 Lac INR 1.47 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 67142373 India | Jammu-kashmir
5. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Compound Pendulum, Torsional Pendulum, Katers Pendulum, Miliammeter, Cantilever with weight 5 500 gm, Optical bench, Bending of beam with weight 5 500, Travelling microscope, Maxwells needle Stainless Steel with clamp iron st, Modulus of rigidity by statical method, Thermal conductivity of an insulator by lees disc method with hot plate steam boiler, Fractional Resistance box, Ballistic galvanometer with lamp scale... INR 5.04 Lac INR 5.04 Lac
454 Days ago
DID : 67135990 India | Maharashtra
6. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Electronic Workbench, Digital storage oscilloscope, Function Generator, Decade Resistance box, Decade inductance box, Decade capacitance box, Three phase resistive load - Electrical circuit lab
Qty 17
INR 5 Lac INR 5 Lac
545 Days ago
DID : 63946314 India | Multi State
7. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Multimeter, Megger, Hydrometer, Solar Insulation meter, Pyranometer, Pyrheliometer, Lux meter, Magnetic Flux Meter, Tong Tester OR Clamp Meter, Soldering Iron, Temperature controlled Soldering Iron, Thermometer Digital, Sun Shine recorder, Weather monitoring station, Solar cell based sunlight radiation meter, Magnetic compass, Cut models of photo voltaic cell assembly, Cut model of Lead acid battery, Lead Acid... Refer Document
545 Days ago
DID : 64124132 India | Orissa (Odisha)
8. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Auction Sale of R.O System Plant, R.O System Plant, Beauty Parlour Mirror, Beauty Parlour Mirror, T.V Corner, T.V Corner, Glow Sine Board, Glow Sine Board, Fotograph of Echopaint Off, Fotograph of Echopaint Off, Beuty Parlour Chair, Beauty Parlour Chair, Metal Selving Pecks, Metal Selving Pecks, Instructor Table, Instructor Table, Instructor Chair, Instructor Chair, Computer Chair, Computer Chair, Black Marble Stone with... Refer Document
454 Days ago
DID : 66696770 India | Gujarat
9. Sector:Health Services/Equipments Supply of high frequency ventilator (oscillator)
Refer Document
Closing today
DID : 77300459 India | Delhi
10. Sector:Railway Ancillaries Supply of connector/ testing leads for fluke make oscilloscope model 190-202 only as per annexure 'a'.
connector/ testing leads for fluke make oscilloscope model 190-202 only as per annexure 'a'. [ warranty period 30 months after the date of delivery ] ]
Refer Document
3 Days to go
DID : 81127172 India | Uttar Pradesh
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