Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Crude Oil / Natural Gas / Mineral Fuels Bid for - PT216 Hot Repair painting HRP of LPG Cylinders ExLPG Planst KOCHI
Qty 1
INR 21.83 Cr INR 218.31 Mn
Closing today
DID : 81234100 India | Kerala
2. Sector:Roads Providing and Laying and Compaction of Surfacing Works Comprising of Wmm Layers of 75 Mm Prime Coat, Tack Coat, Dbm 60 Mm, Bc 40 Mm and Road Marking as Per Schedule a Between Km 44.555 to Km 57 on Nimmu-padam-darcha Road Under 114 Rcc/13 Tf of (p) Yojak. INR 20.91 Cr INR 209.16 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 66735451 India | Himachal Pradesh
3. Sector:Railways Transport Services Providing of Facility Management Services - LumpSum Based - Contract RSW KKD 13 Cleaning Wax Polishing of Rolling Stock Metro Train Coaches Housekeeping of depot premises of Kalindi Kunj Train Depot; Housekeeping; Consumables to be provided by service pr
Qty 1
INR 17.75 Cr INR 177.53 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 80871354 India | Delhi
4. Sector:Municipal Corporations Construction of road layers from sub grade to binder/wearing course, having width 24.00 mts. and above falling in East (varachha) Zone -A of Surat city by contractors own Batch mix type Hot mix Plant and WMM plant to be installed within Surat city limit with Sensor operator paver finisher including construction/repair of footpath, divider, water table and providing & laying/fixing of pavement markings, road studs, road... INR 14.96 Cr INR 149.67 Mn
1 Day to go
DID : 81459922 India | Gujarat
5. Sector:Municipal Corporations Resurfacing of Roads (phase-16) Within City Limit By Cement Grouted Bituminous Mix (cgbm) By Contractors Own Drum Mix Type Hotmix Plant to Be Installed Within Surat City Limit with Sensor Operator Paver Finisher Including Repair of Footpath, Divider, Water Table and Providing Laying/ Fixing of Pavement Markings, Road Studs with Other Traffic Safety Measures. INR 14.78 Cr INR 147.88 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81681445 India | Gujarat
6. Sector:Crude Oil / Natural Gas / Mineral Fuels Bid for - Statutory Testing painting STP of 510year due LPG cylinders Repainting of cylinders exLPG PlantMuzaffarpur
Qty 1
INR 12.60 Cr INR 126.08 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81461483 India | Bihar
7. Sector:Non Classified Energy savings of the building of the secondary school of trade, applied arts and design plzen, nerudova 33 CZK 10.72 Cr CZK 107.29 Mn
28 Days to go
DID : 81833327 Czech Republic | Not Classified
8. Sector:Safety Equipment\Explosives Special Repair Cleaning of Road Berms Providing and Laying of Primer Coat Tack Coat Dbm Bc Thermoplastic Paint and Providing and Fixing of Road Studs at Internal Roads of Sector 13 Baahdurgarh and All Other Works Contingent Thereto INR 7.01 Cr INR 70.15 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 67192566 India | Haryana
9. Sector:Other Electrical Products Supply & Application of Final painting and Handing Over of Flue Gas Desulphurization System (fgd) Unit 1 & Common System at “2x500 Mw Ntpc Mauda, Stage- I, Maharashtra” INR 7 Cr INR 70 Mn
545 Days ago
DID : 64259454 India | Maharashtra
10. Sector:Railways Transport Services painting of Station Building, Repairing of Footpath and Other Misc. Civil Works at Arthala, Mohan Nagar, Shyam Park and Rajendra Nagar Metro Stations of Line-1 Extension. 5.25 Cr 52.57 Mn
286 Days ago
DID : 71701848 India | Delhi
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