Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified Acquisition of desktop computers for the project improvement and expansion of the urban property cadastral services of the district coronel gregorio albarracin lanchipa - tacna - tacna Refer Document
105 Days to go
DID : 79434641 Peru | Not Classified
2. Sector:Food Processing Preparation and validation of national and regional action plans and implementation of training to strengthen the governance framework for a Multi-Threat Early Warning System in peru Refer Document
Closing today
DID : 81139095 Peru | Not Classified
3. Sector:Food Processing Development of an interoperable big data platform for biosecurity monitoring in shrimp production Refer Document
22 Days to go
DID : 81843596 Peru | Not Classified
4. Sector:Non Classified Improvement and expansion of the drinking water and sewerage system in sectors 359 and 360 and new approvals. integral scheme carabayllo - sectors 352, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358. san antonio huarochiri district carabayllo district - province of lima - department of lima - execution of the work improvement and expansion of the drinking water and sewerage system in sectors 359 and 360 and new approvals. integral scheme carabayllo... - 83.80 Cr - 838.05 Mn
99 Days to go
DID : 79285733 Peru | Not Classified
5. Sector:Non Classified Improvement of the boca del rio - tacna highway in the districts of tacna, sama and la yarada los palos in the province of tacna - department of tacna - 67.61 Cr - 676.19 Mn
105 Days to go
DID : 79439651 Peru | Not Classified
6. Sector:Non Classified Road management, improvement and conservation by service levels of road corridor ndeg22 sector a road improvement emp. pe-14 a household - pinra - st. pe12a dv. huacrachuco; emp. pe14a tent -joy view- - road improvement emp. pe-14 ahuacaybamba-pinra-st. christopher of pachachin, st. pe12a, emp. pe14carp-chavin of pariarca-emp. pe-3nh nvas flowers,, emp. pe-3n the union-cheropal,... - 21.34 Cr - 213.42 Mn
104 Days to go
DID : 79411665 Peru | Not Classified
7. Sector:Non Classified Hiring the execution of the work type iarar ? remodeling of camp menor a sport of competition, sports field, spectators and space of horizontal and/or vertical pedestrian circulation; in addition to other assets in it stadium m - execution of work remodeling of campo menor, sports field, sshh of spectators and pedestrian circulation space and other assets at the miguel grau stadium, urb. miraflores, castilla, piura - 19.22 Cr - 192.20 Mn
5 Days to go
DID : 81016427 Peru | Not Classified
8. Sector:Non Classified Improvement of the provision of health services at the health center i -4 requena, requena district - requena province - loreto department - 17.38 Cr - 173.86 Mn
8 Days to go
DID : 81175954 Peru | Not Classified
9. Sector:Non Classified Hiring of the technical following service and projection of the project? improvement of the interurban road transitability service in the miracle - emp pa 106 switches - district of chontabamba, province of oxapampa, the roy neighborhood - emp pa 622 districts of huachon, paucartambo of the province of pasco of the department of pasco with cui n 2661613 - 15.82 Cr - 158.22 Mn
20 Days to go
DID : 81597245 Peru | Not Classified
10. Sector:Non Classified Contracting of the execution of the work <> - execution of the work construction of replacement bridges in sullana - tambogrande - paimas - 13.87 Cr - 138.77 Mn
77 Days to go
DID : 78573531 Peru | Not Classified
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