Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Railways Transport Services Tender Invited For Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport Places; Mechanized Manual Cleaning Sweeping; Outdoor, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Office/Commercial/Institutions/Residential; Mechanized Manual Sweeping Mopping Dusting; Indoor, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport Places; Mechanized Manual Sweeping Mopping... 31.31 Cr 313.11 Mn
19 Days to go
DID : 81871361 India | Bihar
2. Sector:Railways Transport Services Providing of Ballast TRACK Cleaning Rag picking of TrackA1 Track01 03 05 06 07 Track VIP Siding Track DN main Line Track Up Loop 1 2 Track Medical Van Engine Line Rest of PF track towa, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping Rag picking of Track01 Track02 Track04; DHN Washing Apron TRACK Sweeping,... 13.69 Cr 136.90 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81395820 India | Jharkhand
3. Sector:Banking and Mutual Funds and Leasings Providing of Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; Housekeeping; Unskilled, Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; O M of Mechanical Work, O M of Electrical Work, As per ATC; Semi- skilled, Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; As per ATC; Skilled, Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; Horticulture... 8.59 Cr 85.90 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81501892 India | Gujarat
4. Sector:Railways Transport Services Bid for - Housekeeping work including scrubbing of shop floor pit line maintenance of landscaping Garden development works spraying of weedicides to control the growth of thick grass in EMU Carshed Virar
Qty 1
INR 5.12 Cr INR 51.26 Mn
1 Day to go
DID : 80952859 India | Maharashtra
5. Sector:Education And Research Institute Providing of Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Healthcare; As per terms conditions of the tender uploaded; As per terms conditions of the tender uploaded 5 Cr 50 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81201279 India | Not Classified
6. Sector:Railways Transport Services Providing of Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport Places; Daily manual cleaning outcome based at Komagata Maru Budge Budge KBGB station for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Railway Station, Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection Lifting Transportation Unloading Segregation of garbage at Komagata Maru Budge Budge KBGB station premises for a period of 03 Years ie 1095... 3.68 Cr 36.88 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81395837 India | West Bengal
7. Sector:Railways Transport Services Tender Invited For Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Office/Commercial/Institutions/Residential; General Cleaning (Sweeping, Mopping, dusting); Indoor, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Office/Commercial/Institutions/Residential; Scrubbing; Indoor, Cleaning, Sanitation Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Office/Commercial/Institutions/Residential; Scrubbing; Outdoor,... 3.34 Cr 33.42 Mn
19 Days to go
DID : 81869560 India | Bihar
8. Sector:Railways Transport Services Bid for - Complete operation housekeeping of TTE REST HOUSE of Ajmer Station includes cooking serving of food to Staff cleaning Pest Rodent control washing of linen for 3 years, Custom Bid for Services - subsidized meal facility for 3 years
Qty 2
INR 3.30 Cr INR 33.02 Mn
10 Days to go
DID : 81503096 India | Rajasthan
9. Sector:Railways Transport Services Complete Operation Housekeeping of Tte Rest House of Ajmer Station Includes Cooking Serving of Food to Staff Cleaning Pest Rodent Control Washing of Linen for 3 Years, Custom Bid for Services - Subsidized Meal Facility for 3 Years
Qty 2
INR 3.30 Cr INR 33.02 Mn
11 Days to go
DID : 81638880 India | Rajasthan
10. Sector:Railways Transport Services Bid for - Custom Bid for Services Complete operation housekeeping of TTE REST HOUSE of Ajmer Station includes cooking serving of food to Staff cleaning Pest Rodent control washing of linen for 3 years, Custom Bid for Services - subsidized meal facility for 3 years
Qty 2
INR 3.30 Cr INR 33.02 Mn
17 Days to go
DID : 81738286 India | Rajasthan
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