Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Roads Road Safety Improvement of Existing Four Lane Section of Dehradun-lal Tappar-nepali Farm Section of Nh-7 (design Chainage 501.930 to 531.330) and Nepali Farm-motichur Nh-34 (design Chainage 531.330-538.750) on Epc Mode in Uttarakhand Under Nh(o) 501.79 Cr 5.01 Bn
5 Days to go
DID : 75217662 India | Delhi
2. Sector:Roads Road Safety Improvement of existing four lane section of Muzaffarnagar-Haridwar Section of NH-334 on EPC Mode in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand under NH(O) 381.95 Cr 3.81 Bn
5 Days to go
DID : 75203290 India | Delhi
3. Sector:Civil Works Balance work of Upgradation of Matiana Mahori to Chhaila Road Km. 0/000 to 25/650 Km
Improvement, passing places, Missing Cross drainage works, side drain, Parapets, Crash Barriers , CC pavement, Tarring and road signs etc., including five year routine maintenance)
INR 23.04 Cr INR 230.43 Mn
Closing today
DID : 81173516 India | Himachal Pradesh
4. Sector:Municipal Corporations Construction of road layers from sub grade to binder/wearing course, having width 24.00 mts. and above falling in East (varachha) Zone -A of Surat city by contractors own Batch mix type Hot mix Plant and WMM plant to be installed within Surat city limit with Sensor operator paver finisher including construction/repair of footpath, divider, water table and providing & laying/fixing of pavement markings, road studs, road... INR 14.96 Cr INR 149.67 Mn
1 Day to go
DID : 81459922 India | Gujarat
5. Sector:Municipal Corporations Resurfacing of Roads (phase-16) Within City Limit By Cement Grouted Bituminous Mix (cgbm) By Contractors Own Drum Mix Type Hotmix Plant to Be Installed Within Surat City Limit with Sensor Operator Paver Finisher Including Repair of Footpath, Divider, Water Table and Providing Laying/ Fixing of Pavement Markings, Road Studs with Other Traffic Safety Measures. INR 14.78 Cr INR 147.88 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81681445 India | Gujarat
6. Sector:Road Transport Services Work of Reconstruction of Box Culvert and Other road safety measures on Baridpada Laskariya Ahwa Borkhal Section of NH953 from ch. Km 22/800 to 69/900 in the State of Gujarat under Road safety Annual Plan 2023 24 INR 13.80 Cr INR 138.05 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 66083295 India | Gujarat
7. Sector:Road Transport Services Road Safety Works in Panvel - Panji Road Nh 66 Erstwhile Nh-17 in Km.241.300 .76.880 to 332.200 165.270 Construction of Foot Bridge , Bus-bayand Bus.shelter in Ratnagiri District in the State of Maharashtra on Epc.hpm 10.69 Cr 106.97 Mn
14 Days to go
DID : 77075321 India | Maharashtra
8. Sector:Safety Equipment\Explosives Special Repair Cleaning of Road Berms Providing and Laying of Primer Coat Tack Coat Dbm Bc Thermoplastic Paint and Providing and Fixing of Road Studs at Internal Roads of Sector 13 Baahdurgarh and All Other Works Contingent Thereto INR 7.01 Cr INR 70.15 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 67192566 India | Haryana
9. Sector:Water Storage and Supply Providing and Erecting a W Metal beam Crash Barrier On Top Of Baldeva, Dholi And Pigut Dam.
Providing and Erecting a W Metal beam Crash Barrier On Top Of Baldeva, Dholi And Pigut Dam.
INR 3.00 Cr INR 30.01 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 80996674 India | Gujarat
10. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Purchase of works for 14150 noise barriers removal of consequences of construction under an unlawfully issued building permit '(as amended), EUR 3 Cr EUR 30 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 38754060 Lithuania | Not Classified
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