Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified Provision Of Audit Firm Refer Document
232 Days to go
DID : 73793064 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
2. Sector:Non Classified Project Procurement Contractor Supply and installation of solar panels, inverters and batteries Refer Document
198 Days to go
DID : 76633276 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
3. Sector:Non Classified Project Implementation Consultant Refer Document
198 Days to go
DID : 76633276 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
4. Sector:Non Classified Construction of new landfill and associated infrastructure at Tenaru site, construction of new waste transfer station at Ranadi, and rehabilitation of the existing dumpsite at Ranadi Refer Document
210 Days to go
DID : 76959182 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
5. Sector:Non Classified SWM Collection Service Management - vehicles Refer Document
210 Days to go
DID : 76959182 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
6. Sector:Non Classified Audit Refer Document
210 Days to go
DID : 76959182 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
7. Sector:Non Classified Subscription to online procurement platform Refer Document
210 Days to go
DID : 76959182 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
8. Sector:Non Classified Program support for prepaid bag, genderequitable, pro-poor, waste tipping and collection fees, training modules on SWM utility management and O&M, revenue collection enhancement, operations planning, operational and financial management FM Refer Document
210 Days to go
DID : 76959182 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
9. Sector:Non Classified Collection service support – SWM collection equipment, operations and maintenance Refer Document
210 Days to go
DID : 76959182 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
10. Sector:Non Classified Construction Supervisor - Tenaru/Ranadi Refer Document
210 Days to go
DID : 76959182 Solomon Islands | Not Classified
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