Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Health Services/Equipments Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Instruments, Equipments & Other Miscellaneous Items in 38 Established District and State Level Laboratories, with Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Supplied Instruments and Equipments for the Period of 3 Years. (group-06) water Bath 12 Holes, Hot Plate, Hot Air Oven Digital, Incubator Digital, Autoclave (02 Nos). INR 37.91 Lac INR 3.79 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 67318168 India | Bihar
2. Sector:Machine Tools Tender Invited For BME280 Sensor, SHT31 sensor, Resistance Temperature Detector RTD, BMP280 Atmospheric Pressure, A High Performance Camera Sensor for IoT AI Edge Computing, Low Power Image Sensors for Battery-Powered IoT Devices, 7 in 1 Soil Integrated Sensor, LM35 Temperature Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR- 04, Light Dependent Resistor LDR, PIR Motion Sensor, TSOP IR Transmitter Receiver, IR Transmitter Receiver,... 17 Lac 1.70 Mn
14 Days to go
DID : 81719548 India | Telangana
3. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Perkin Elmer Both Full Scan SIM Mode Gas Chromotography Mass Spectrometry, Microscope, Soil Thermometer, Stereomicroscope, Electrical Conductivity Meter, Thermometer, Electrical conductivity Electrode, pH Electrode, Orbital Shaker, Rotatory shaker, Bottle top Dispenser, Hyposmeter, BUCHI Rotary evaporator, Spectrophotometer, Distillation filter, BOD Incubator, Flame Photometer, COD Analyzer Water quality analyzer... 10 Lac 1 Mn
25 Days to go
DID : 81629215 India | Mizoram
4. Sector:Safety Equipment\Explosives Tender Invited For laboratory stirrer (q3)
8.02 Lac 8.02 Lac
18 Days to go
DID : 81826845 India | Telangana
5. Sector:Tourism Tender Invited For Ripple Glass 200 ML for Hot beverage as per our sample, Disposable katori baggas Dona size 4 inch Round as per our sample, Disposable Plate baggas size 4 half 5 inch Round as per our sample, Disposable Plate baggas size 5 half 5 inch Triangle as per our sample, Paper Glass for water 200 ML as per our sample, Wooden spoon 140mm as per our sample, Wooden fork 160mm as per our sample, Wooden stirrer for bar... 5.67 Lac 5.67 Lac
17 Days to go
DID : 81808031 India | Delhi
6. Sector:Coal and Lignite Tender Invited For Calibration of Beaker, Calibration of Beaker Plastic, Calibration of Volumetric Flask, Calibration of Measuring Cylinder, Calibration of Pipette, Calibration of Burette, Calibration of Thermometer, Calibration of Weight Box No 1, Calibration of Weight Box No 2, Calibration Dry Bulb, Wet Bulb Thermometer, Calibration of Micropipette, Calibration of Electronic Micro Balance, Calibration of Analytical Balance,... 83.54 K 83.54 K
19 Days to go
DID : 81871321 India | Jharkhand
7. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Magnetic stirrer, Magnetic stirrer with hotplate, Desiccator 200mm, Desiccator 250mm, Desiccator Vacuum
25 K 25 K
6 Days to go
DID : 81413947 India | Meghalaya
8. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Items, High Speed Attritor , Bead Mill 1 Litre with Motar , Pestle, and Mortor , Lab stirrer High Speed , Digital Electronic, Balance , Spectrophotometer , Specific Gravity Bottle , , Refractometers , Pipette , Burette , Concial Flask , Glass, Plate 4 Cm Diameter , Hot Oven , Pipette 25 Ml , Burette, 50ml , Digital Electronics Balance , Spatula Steel , Glass, Plate 6x6 Inch , Iron Plate 6x6 Inch , Filter Paper , ,... Refer Document
286 Days ago
DID : 70490890 India | Uttar Pradesh
9. Sector:Education And Research Institute Purchase of Mortar Mixer and Magnetic stirrer to be utilized by CNRES, Mortar Mixer, Magnetic stirrer with Hot Plate. Refer Document
1 Day to go
DID : 81061925 India | Tamil Nadu
10. Sector:Education And Research Institute Supply of Balance Digital Portable, Glucometer, USB Digital Microscope, Balance Digital Capacity 10g to 20kh range, Weighing Balance, Sedgewick Rafter Counting Chambers, Ultrasonic cleaner, Single Door Minor Refrigerator, Turbidity Meter, High Speed Homogenizer, Electric Air Blower Motor, Digital Turbidity or Nephelo Meter, Niskin Water Sampler, Air Pump Bubbler Pond Aerator, Vortex Shaker, Glass Top Deep Freezer, Bulk... Refer Document
Closing today
DID : 81202595 India | Uttar Pradesh
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