Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Coal and Lignite Providing of Handling, Transport Other Mining Services - Percentage quote based - OB removal work at Bharatpur OCP Bharatpur Area MCL 1827.50 Cr 18.27 Bn
7 Days to go
DID : 81629833 India | Orissa (Odisha)
2. Sector:Coal and Lignite Tender Invited For Handling, Transport Other Mining Services - Percentage quote based - Handling Service, Transport Service, Handling Transport Service, OB Removal, OB REMOVAL WORK AT BINA PROJECT OF NCL 1233.50 Cr 12.33 Bn
15 Days to go
DID : 81871722 India | Not Classified
3. Sector:Non Classified collection and transport of household waste, sweeping and cleaning of certain streets, public places and walks of the city of douala XAF 784.84 Cr XAF 7.84 Bn
14 Days to go
DID : 81735709 Cameroon | Not Classified
4. Sector:Power Plant Providing of Handling, Transport Other Mining Services - Percentage quote based - Rate Contract of Pond Ash Transportation from NTPC NKSTPP Ash Dyke to NHAIPWD Road Construction Sites 300 Cr 3 Bn
4 Days to go
DID : 81334821 India | Jharkhand
5. Sector:Power Plant Tender Invited For Handling, Transport Other Mining Services - Percentage quote based - Rate Contract for Ash Transportation from NTPC Darlipali to Road Construction Sites 300 Cr 3 Bn
13 Days to go
DID : 81722942 India | Orissa (Odisha)
6. Sector:Coal and Lignite Providing of Handling, Transport Other Mining Services - Percentage quote based - Loading Transportation crushing of 6 MTes of coal at Jayant Project 101.59 Cr 1.01 Bn
3 Days to go
DID : 81393829 India | Madhya Pradesh
7. Sector:Power Plant Providing of Handling, Transport Other Mining Services - Percentage quote based - Rate Contract for Maintaining a Transporter Panel for Supply of Pond Ash from NTPC Solapur 100 Cr 1 Bn
18 Days to go
DID : 81629627 India | Maharashtra
8. Sector:Non Classified pre-collection of household municipal solid waste frominaccessible points, transportation to accessible fixed points, cleaning of gutters, cleaning and dredging of water way in thecity of kumba south west region funding kumba city council/minfi, fiscal year 2025 XAF 83.95 Cr XAF 839.58 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81586990 Cameroon | Not Classified
9. Sector:Telecommunication Services / Equipments Supply, Transportation, Trenching, Laying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Optical Fiber Cable as Communication Backbone for Kavach and LTE INR 64 Cr INR 640 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 80745313 India | West Bengal
10. Sector:Stainless Steel Handling and Internal Transport of Stores Materials Within Vsp Site, From Truck/trailer/any Other Transport Vehicle Including Carrying, and Stacking in Countable Position in An Orderly Way at Stores, Godown / Shop Floor , Manually., 70, 116.000 to 291.47 20, 436, 710.52, 2 530000004 Handling of Cement and Refractory Mortar & Masses Unloading, From Truck/trailer/any Other Transport Vehicle Including Carrying, and Stacking in... 52.16 Cr 521.65 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 79076116 India | Andhra Pradesh
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