Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Power Plant Electro Mechanical Works of 3x100 MW Lakhwar MPP
Electro Mechanical Works of 3x100 MW Lakhwar MPP on EPC basis.
595.80 Cr 5.95 Bn
8 Days to go
DID : 74927536 India | Uttaranchal
2. Sector:Civil Works Transformative Restoration and Enrichment works of Chaurasi Kutiya Swargashram, Gauhari Range Rishikesh ( Uttarakhand).. 97.98 Cr 979.85 Mn
8 Days to go
DID : 78850772 India | Uttaranchal
3. Sector:Safety Equipment\Explosives Providing Architectural and Engineering Consultancy Services for Comprehensive Planning & Designing of the New Administrative Building Near Beg Centre Gate. INR 81.95 Cr INR 819.50 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81469272 India | Uttaranchal
4. Sector:Water Storage and Supply Construction of Type II residence buildings at 31st B.N. P.A.C. Rudrapur, District- INR 41.72 Cr INR 417.29 Mn
2 Days to go
DID : 81106765 India | Uttaranchal
5. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Providing of Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - IT EXPERT; As per Bid document; As per bid document, Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT EXPERT; As per Bid dcoument; As per bid dcoument, Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - ICT EXPERT; As per bid document; As per bid document, Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - LEGAL EXPERT; As per bid... 11.33 Cr 113.32 Mn
6 Days to go
DID : 81334562 India | Uttaranchal
6. Sector:Diversified Supply of hiring of agency for it projects- milestone basis 10.05 Cr 100.50 Mn
4 Days to go
DID : 81501908 India | Uttaranchal
7. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Construction work of Art and science Block Building at Govt. Post Graduate College, Jayharikhal (Pauri Garhwal) INR 7.65 Cr INR 76.53 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81803023 India | Uttaranchal
8. Sector:Dam Work Flood protection scheme of ward no. 06, Kansmardani Sain from Alaknanda river In Srinagar Garhwal, block-Khirshu, distt.-, U.K. under SDMF. (Ch- left bank of Alaknanda river 0.00 M to 250.00 M) INR 7.04 Cr INR 70.41 Mn
453 Days ago
DID : 66980043 India | Uttaranchal
9. Sector:Dam Work Supply of Submercible Pump 1, Submercible Pump 2, Submercible Pump 3, Submercible Pump 4, Submercible Pump 5, Submercible Pump 6, Submercible Pump 7, Submercible Pump 8, Submercible Pump 9, Submercible Pump 10, Submercible Pump 11, Submercible Pump 12, Submercible Pump 13, Submercible Pump 14, Submercible Pump 15, Starter 1, Starter 2, Starter 3, Starter 4, Starter 5, Starter 6, Starter 7, Starter 8, Cables 1, Cables 2,... INR 7 Cr INR 70 Mn
544 Days ago
DID : 63944890 India | Uttaranchal
10. Sector:Telecommunication Services / Equipments Supply of hiring of agency for it projects- milestone basis 6.87 Cr 68.70 Mn
5 Days to go
DID : 80099350 India | Uttaranchal
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