Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Non Classified collection and transport of household waste, sweeping and cleaning of certain streets, public places and walks of the city of douala XAF 784.84 Cr XAF 7.84 Bn
14 Days to go
DID : 81735709 Cameroon | Not Classified
2. Sector:Non Classified pre-collection of household municipal solid waste frominaccessible points, transportation to accessible fixed points, cleaning of gutters, cleaning and dredging of water way in thecity of kumba south west region funding kumba city council/minfi, fiscal year 2025 XAF 83.95 Cr XAF 839.58 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81586990 Cameroon | Not Classified
3. Sector:Railways Transport Services Disposal of Hazardous Waste (paint Flakes, Waste Containing Oil & Etp Sludge) at Shop-54 of Furnishing Division. INR 45.70 Cr INR 457.04 Mn
4 Days to go
DID : 81439477 India | Tamil Nadu
4. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Providing of treatment and disposal of recyclable and residual waste ~ . GBP 20 Cr GBP 200 Mn
333 Days to go
DID : 33946204 United Kingdom | Not Classified
5. Sector:Power Plant Bid for - ARC for Operation Maintenance of Ash Handling plant Unit 78 MTPS 2X 500 MW including Removal of Technological Waste Guarding Maintenance of Ash Disposal Pipe lines up to Ash Dykes
Qty 1
INR 8.18 Cr INR 81.86 Mn
14 Days to go
DID : 81419833 India | West Bengal
6. Sector:House / Building Providing of Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Lifting, Transportation, Unloading, Segregation of garbage, Ways of disposal, Drainage cleaning; Dry Waste 8 Cr 80 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81677871 India | Bihar
7. Sector:House / Building Tender Invited For Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Lifting, Transportation, Unloading; Dry Waste 5.04 Cr 50.40 Mn
10 Days to go
DID : 81788200 India | Not Classified
8. Sector:Municipal Corporations Estimate for Bio remediation of municipal dump site at Ind. area Phase-8B S.A.S Nagar 4.24 Cr 42.42 Mn
545 Days ago
DID : 63356292 India | Punjab
9. Sector:House / Building Tender Invited For Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Lifting, Transportation, Unloading, Segregation of garbage; Dry Waste 4.14 Cr 41.40 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81812600 India | Bihar
10. Sector:House / Building Providing of Collection Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Transportation, Segregation of garbage; Dry Waste 4 Cr 40 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81542219 India | Bihar
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