Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Other Services Seunggi Public Sewage Treatment Facility Modernization Project 36333.36 Cr 363.33 Bn
11 Days to go
DID : 76452489 Korea | Not Classified
2. Sector:Municipal Corporations Survey, Soil investigation, design and execution of various works for augmentation of water supply system which includes construction of an Intake of 1650 MLD capacity with RawWater pump house, Water Treatment Plant of capacity 400 mld INR 579.78 Cr INR 5.79 Bn
11 Days to go
DID : 80964051 India | Madhya Pradesh
3. Sector:Health Services/Equipments Construction of 02 No RCC Intake well of 15mtr diameter with approach bridge on either bank or river and Transmission Main, WTP, etc and 10 years OnM Jhalawar and Kota distt. under Parwan Akawad Package-I. INR 210.11 Cr INR 2.10 Bn
18 Days to go
DID : 81365597 India | Rajasthan
4. Sector:Civil Works Work of Kanjari , Bavla , Dhangadhra, Limdi and Chaklasi Wss + Surrendranagar UGD.
Proposed Construction Work of HR Gate, Gravity Main from Canal to Sump, Rising Main, Intake Well, WTP for 5 Mld Capacity, CWS for 15 Ll & 1 Ll Litre Capacity, Pumping Machinery, Electrification Work, Pump Room & Operation & Maintenance for Next 60 Months for Kanjari Nagarpalika with Including 3 [Three] Years Defect Liability Period.
INR 173.86 Cr INR 1.73 Bn
454 Days ago
DID : 67023269 India | Gujarat
5. Sector:Water Purification Re79JJM-NELLIKUZHY PANCHAYATH--Package - I - Production components - Well cum Pump house WTP Row water pumping main-Pipeline Work
JJM NELLIKUZHY PANCHAYATH Package I Production components Well cum Pump house WTP Row water pumping main Pipeline Work
INR 82.41 Cr INR 824.16 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81204064 India | Kerala
6. Sector:Civil Works Cluster-06 Chhotaudepur Ugd-ii, Dabhoi Ugd-ii and Padra Ugd-ii with Stp Under Sjmmsvy. INR 81.52 Cr INR 815.20 Mn
19 Days to go
DID : 81545367 India | Gujarat
7. Sector:Municipal Corporations Engineering, Procuring, Constructing, Commissioning (EPC) of (1) Upgradation of existing 30 MLD Capacity to 45 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant based on SBR Process at Kumbharwada, along with all related Mechanical and Electrical equipment and accessories, Instrumentation including miscellaneous works etc. complete (2) Operation and maintenance of the entire proposed sewage treatment facilities at site for five years... INR 80.31 Cr INR 803.11 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 80152307 India | Gujarat
8. Sector:Municipal Corporations Engineering, Procuring, Constructing, Commissioning (EPC) of (1) Upgradation of Existing 30 Mld Capacity to 45 Mld Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant Based on SBR Process at Kumbharwada along with All Related Mechanical & Electrical Equipment & Accessories, Instrumentation including Miscellaneous Works etc Complete (2) Operation & Maintenance of the Entire Proposed Sewage Treatment Facilities at Site for Five Years including... INR 80.31 Cr INR 803.11 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81505555 India | Gujarat
9. Sector:Non Classified Comprehensive ARM (Day To Day) and Special Repairs including all Civil, Horticulture and E and M Services of GPRA Complex at New Moti Bagh, New Delhi , Comprehensive ARM (Day To Day) and Special Repairs including all Civil, Horticulture and E and M Services (including Internal and External Electrical Installations, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm, Pump House, DG Sets, Street Lights, Solar Light, Operations Of Lifts and Water... INR 64.05 Cr INR 640.54 Mn
12 Days to go
DID : 81691555 India | Delhi
10. Sector:Civil Works Ranavav WSS , UGD and STP Ranavav WSS under Amrut 2.0 and UGD-II, STP-I and II UNDER SJMMSVY. INR 55.00 Cr INR 550.00 Mn
12 Days to go
DID : 81298442 India | Gujarat
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