Tender Description Value Due Date
1. Sector:Storage and Warehousing Development of Open Container Yard with M-50 Grade CC paver block at IRT. INR 5.85 Cr INR 58.55 Mn
19 Days to go
DID : 81891394 India | Maharashtra
2. Sector:Storage and Warehousing Development of External Container Yard with M-50 Grade Cc Paver Block at Icd Patparganj. INR 3.32 Cr INR 33.25 Mn
8 Days to go
DID : 81789588 India | Delhi
3. Sector:Civil Works Construction of Proposed Rural Market at Pandui Under Puncha Block Project Id Cs242527525s000 INR 2.36 Cr INR 23.60 Mn
12 Days to go
DID : 81514763 India | West Bengal
4. Sector:Power Plant Construction of RCC Road, WBM Road, Security cabin , Stacking Platform, Yard metal spreading, Repairing and Painting of Control room and Qtrs and other Miscellaneous works at 220 KV Agiyol SS under Agiyol Division under Circle. INR 2.06 Cr INR 20.65 Mn
1 Day to go
DID : 81297938 India | Gujarat
5. Sector:Power Plant Construction of New Control Room Building at F.F., Cable Trench, RCC Road, Yard treatment & ancillary civil work at Existing 66kV Vapi 4th Phase GIDC SS under Circle. INR 2.04 Cr INR 20.48 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81260377 India | Gujarat
6. Sector:Power Plant Construction of New Control Room Building including Electrification work, Yard Cable Trench, RCC Road, Yard PCC and Metal spreading, Demolition of existing old Quarters. and ancillary civil works at 66kV SS, Ta. , Dist. under Division under Circle. INR 1.30 Cr INR 13.02 Mn
1 Day to go
DID : 81294259 India | Gujarat
7. Sector:Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Fencing work of Mohiuddinpur graveyard in Warisnagar zone. INR 63.62 Lac INR 6.36 Mn
3 Days to go
DID : 81468128 India | Bihar
8. Sector:Municipal Corporations Construction of PCC road, RCC drain, cover slab, paver block, drain mesh, welcome gate, ghat etc.
Work of boundary wall, toilet, gate, boring, light, shed etc.
Fencing & beautification of graveyard.
Renovation of PCC road & RCC drain.
INR 49.90 Lac INR 4.99 Mn
32 Days to go
DID : 81874219 India | Bihar
9. Sector:Power Plant Construction of 110kv Substation, Panthalacode Erection of Yard Structures and Equipments at 110kv Substation Panthalacode. INR 41.82 Lac INR 4.18 Mn
7 Days to go
DID : 81510443 India | Kerala
10. Sector:Municipal Corporations Provision of Heavy Duty Chain Mounted Exacavator for Replacing of Previuosly Dumped Garbage Temporary Road in Side Dumping Yard at Chakradharpur. INR 20.40 Lac INR 2.04 Mn
454 Days ago
DID : 67147606 India | Orissa (Odisha)
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